The Sickness

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A/N: And I'm back to writing once again. So chapter 7 was to give you sort of a reprieve for all you Scott fans. I wanted to incorporate Scott somehow, so I did. Hoped you liked it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hush, Hush saga

Nora POV:

On the way back to the hotel, Vee called Patch and told him that we are on the way back. While she was talking to him, I heard Patch release a string of curses and I believe I heard my mom's name mentioned. Vee clicked off the phone and glanced at me while she put her phone in one of her cup holders, "Patch has been screwed, pretty much all day."

"How so?" I asked. Even I could hear the amusement creep into my voice as Vee began to grin.

"He was stuck with your mother pretty much all day. I find it hilarious how Mr. Big and Bad fallen Archangel could be afraid of your mom." She began laughing.

I laughed a short laugh, "He's not scared of her, Vee. He just doesn't want to give her another reason to hate him."

Vee gave me a look, "Babe, your mom can be scary when she's mad" she continued driving, "So are you and Patch ever going to go the traditional route like normal people?"

I sighed, "Honestly Vee, I don't know. Ever since I met Patch, there was nothing normal about him. Even now. Personally, I think he scared the pants off of normal."

Vee laughed. I smiled, but my smile was ended when I felt bile in my throat and my head began to ache. I leaned against Vee's car's window, hoping that the nauseous feeling would fade as quickly as it came. I began to notice that the sounds inside and outside the car seemed muffled, like there was something covering my ears.

I heard Vee say my name twice. After the second time she found a place to pull over. I didn't look at her afraid that I would throw up all over the Charger's interior. I heard her say something, but I couldn't comprehend it. She go out of the car and came over to my side and opened the door. I began to fall out of the car, but I didn't get far due to the seatbelt and Vee's arms.

Vee undid my seatbelt and helped me out of the car and onto the ground. She placed me on my knees and that is when I started to throw up. Once all of the contents my stomach had held was all over the grass, the sickness faded away. My hearing went back to normal.

Vee still held onto me afraid that I might be sick again, "Babe, are you okay?" Her voice was full of worry. I looked up at her and saw her voice matched her face. I nodded and attempted to rise to my feet, but Vee wouldn't let me. "You're staying put until Patch gets here."

I gasped, "You called him? Why?"

Vee looked at me, "Babe, you almost passed out in my car and just threw your guts up all over England. I called Patch, because he's the only angel I know and could possibly see what's wrong with you. You've never acted like that, even when you were sick. This is different and you're getting checked out by your boyfriend."

Five minutes later, a lone motorcycle pulled up beside us and parked. Patch crossed over to us like lightning. He got down on my level and touched my face as if he was checking for a fever. His charcoal eyes looked me in the eyes, "Angel, are you okay?" I nodded and he turned to Vee, "Tell me everything that happened."

Patch's POV:

As Vee game me a rundown of what happened to Nora, I noticed that Nora was paler than usual. She looked like she was shivering, but I knew she wasn't since it was almost 90 degrees out. Vee finished and asked, "Is she okay now?"

I shrugged, "It depends. There's something going on with her, but its nothing like the flu or just a simple stomach virus. Our only hope is to get her somewhere who knows about Nephilim and can treat one if they are sick."

Vee nodded, "I'm sure there is a Nephilim doctor somewhere in England."

I shook my head, "I think I'm going to make a call to someone who might know what's going on," he turned towards Nora, "Nora? I need you to get in Vee's car and I need you to stay there for a minute."

Nora rolled her eyes and gave me a mock salute. She turned and walked to the Charger and slammed the door shut once she got in. Whatever was going on with Nora, the attitude and the sickness was possibly the beginning.

"I'm going to take her to a fallen angel who lives on the outskirts of London. This fallen angel is the sister of Dabria, but is nothing like her sister. Ariel used to be an angel of medicine, but since she covered for her sister while she was down here 3 years ago, she was forced into exile and now she works hard to save human lives. She has her own clinic that acts as a vet and a regular doctor's office. But, she does do special cases like caring for Nephilim and fallen angels like me. I'm just letting you know that so you can follow me in the Charger. I know that you and Gavin leave for your honeymoon tomorrow." I was beginning to come up with various theories to what was wrong with Nora.

Vee nodded, "I think that probably is the best choice. If you need me too, I can drop her off back at the hotel."

"We'll see what Ariel finds."

A/N: And that concludes chapter 8. I know, I know. It was shorter than the others, but it was reasonable. The next chapter begins at the clinic.


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