A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read my story/fanfiction about our Hush, Hush crew. Its awesome seeing how much everyone loves this series. So here's chapter 4.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything by Becca Fitspatrick
Nora POV:
"Your father?" I all but screamed. I can't believe this. I couldn't. Vee's father owned this place, an old antique shop. And besides, I thought Patch was the last fallen angel on earth. "How is this possible? When did you see this man?"
Vee looked at the doors and then back at me, "A week or two before the wedding. Me and Mom were looking for decoration for the wedding and we found this place," Vee sighed and looked back at the doors, "Nora.... I kind of want to go in there. You know, just to see if I'm correct. I want to hope that I am wrong, but I can't get it out of my head. All the similarities between us, it's killing me."
I put my arm on her shoulder, "Vee? I get it. Truly I do. If you want, we can go in there, since we are here. You know maybe get a feel of this place and its owner."
"Good God, Nora. You are beginning to sound like Patch." She smirked.
I scoffed, "I most certainly am not. I have no idea what you are talking about."
Vee laughed, "Let's just go in, Nora." She turned towards the doors. I shook my head and followed Vee through the doors where we would meet her possible biological father.
Patch POV:
After getting off the phone with Vee, I went about my day by looking at movie times and London tour times. For lunch, I went to a roadside dinner, and one woman started hitting on me. I then went into one of London's men's' store and found a pair of Aviators and a few converses and Nike tennis shoes, since I had forgotten to bring more than one pair of shoes. And the two pair of shoes I had brought with me was my dress shoes and old faded black converses that were starting to tear.
Of course my day was pretty average. It seemed somewhat normal. Granted, I probably wouldn't know normal even if it slapped me in the face. I was walking towards Big Ben, when I heard the screeching of tires. I looked behind me and saw a car that suspiciously looked like Blythe Grey's vehicle. Of course, Nora's mother would recognize me. I wonder what gave me away. Maybe I could just walk it off, pretend to be a human being and yeah. Okay who was I kidding? I wasn't human and I wasn't normal.
Blythe's car came to a steady roll beside me. I heard the windows roll down, and then I heard her ask, "Patch?" I cringed and pretended I didn't hear her and I kept walking.
I turned towards her and took my sunglasses off, "Oh hey Blythe, it's great to see you. I didn't know you were still in England."
She smiled her most sincere smile she could give me, "Yes, I am still in England. My boss wanted me to go to an antique gala here in London. I also was tipped off by a certain birdie that you are planning to propose to my daughter."
One name immediately jumped to mind. I gave her my most innocent look, "Are we going to stand or sit here and talk about my upcoming engagement, or can we go somewhere and talk about it."
Blythe sighed, "Get in."
Great. I got an open invitation to sit in my future wife's mother's car. And I can tell that future mother in-law isn't very happy. Isn't this just grand?
I walked to the other side of the car and got into the car. As soon as I put on my seat belt is when pretty much all hell broke loose.
"So, Patch? When are you going to propose to my daughter?" I could hear it in her voice that she was amused and that I was screwed.
Two words came to mind: Shit and Help.
A/N: And there you have it guys. Chapter four is done. I know its kind of short compared to the others, but I'm suffering from writers block. Well hope you liked it, so please review. Thanks.
FoREVermine_5211 out, peace!

Post Finale (#Wattys2016)
FanfictionTakes place after the epilogue of Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. Please review and I hope you like it.