Unrequited Love Sucks

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A/N: And I'm back. I've been trying to think of ways that Vee won't end up killing both Patch and Scott. No such luck. Anyhow, I figured I go the safest route and see how it goes from there.

Scott: Aren't you missing something?

Me: No....

Scott: By the way guys, she doesn't own us.

Me: Thanks, Scott.

Scott: Whatever...

Vee POV:

That insignificant bastard! How dare he just show up after three years of being dead? Did he even know what hell I've been through?! No, because he was freaking dead! Grrrrr!!!

I was so mad. Oooh, I was pissed. I started pacing Ariel's long hallway. I was attempting to get my breathing under control, before Ariel needed me again to hold Nora down. Or before Patch and he came inside.

After seeing him, I ran inside, before the tears could fall. I had ran to the bathroom and shut myself inside, and let myself cry. After about ten minutes, I unlocked the door and began doing what I'm doing now.

I was still pacing and as I faced the front door, the boys walked through the door. I glared at both of them. Patch walked towards me with Scott trailing. I gave both of them the death glare.

Patch held his head a little bit higher, "I'm going to help Ariel with Nora. Vee? Scott has to tell you something," Patch then switched to mindspeak, 'Be easy on him. I just told him a short summary of his life up until his death. He doesn't remember much of his past life. He's gullible and naïve. He's bummed about the two of you. For the past two in half years, he's been in Guardian training to guard someone. He's trying. Be good to him. He misses you and he never stopped thinking of you. He didn't remember much, but he told me you were pretty much the only thing he remembered. You and Nora.'

Patch began to walk back to the room where Nora was. Right before he walked through the door he glanced back at me and said, "Remember what I said." And with that he was gone.

I turned towards Scott and he gave a small half smile. I however didn't return the gesture and walked away from him and towards the great room. Before I got to the room, I glanced behind me to see Scott still standing in the place where I left him, "Are you coming or what?" Scott's small smile returned and he followed me.

Scott's POV:

After Vee left me standing in the hallway, I began to realize that she was mad at me. I was about to go out the door and find Basso, before I heard Vee's voice call out, "Are you coming or what?"

I started to smile as I remembered that that was one of her favorite sayings. I sped walked to catch up with her. Vee walked into a room with a big leather couch that was facing a huge flat screen t.v.

Vee pointed to one of the side chairs that was on each side of the couch, "Sit." She said the command so forcibly; I was afraid what would happen if I refused.

She sat on the couch and stared at me, "Explain."

And I did. I told her everything from the time when I woke up in that white room that was beginning to stain itself blood red to coming here to this vet and clinic in search for Jev and Nora Grey.

Vee gave me a look, "So, you expect me to believe that you were made into a guardian angel because you sacrificed yourself for Nora. But, why are you here? You told me about how you already have a charge, yet she isn't born. So why are you here if you should be trying to find where your charge is?" Vee looked like she was almost in tears, "Did you come here because of me?"

I nodded and then shook my head, "I not only came here for you, I also came for Nora. Basso told me that the charge's mother would lead me right to parts of my past. While, I may not know everything, I do remember a few things. Like what the guy who killed me looks like and his first name. Like the way I drove my muscle car through Portland and to Delphic Amusement Park for parties and the way I parked on the side of the road when I was driving away from the Devil's Handbag with the only girl I had ever loved," I reached out to Vee, but thought better of it, "Vee, I still love you. That will never change. Know that you... being married... to someone else, won't bother me. I'll be fine."

I was watching Vee's reaction as I saw a single tear fall, and I knew she was about to lose it. Vee raised her hand to her face to catch the tear.

Vee began to start crying and she sniffled, "I never forgot about you. On your birthday, I prayed that you were happy knowing that I never forgot what we had. Before, Gavin proposed to me and before I said yes, I used to ask myself if you were happy that I was attempting to make myself happy. Now, I don't know anymore." She began to fully cry. I mean tears the size of hail began to fall.

I seized the opportunity to hold her to my chest and let her sob. I held her to what seemed about eternity, but I didn't care. All I cared about was making sure this girl was happy. Even if she was happy being with someone else.

Once, she finally stopped crying, I began to run my fingers through her hair and rock her back and forth, "You okay, now?" She nodded, "Vee, I wanted to ask you something."

She nodded for me to continue, "Do you love Gavin?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Can you see yourself growing old with him?" She again, shrugged her shoulders. "Vee? Have you ever sworn a vow?"

A/N: PHEW! Done with chapter 11. Well, I'm sure a lot of you wanted to know what was going to happen with Vee and Scott. Now, for what else is going to happen, will be in the near future. I think the next chapter will be about Nora seeing Scott for the first time since he died. Anywho... Hope you enjoyed it and please review what you think, thanks;



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