A/N: I know. I'm sorry about the cliffhanger. I'm trying my best not to get anymore writer's block, but most authors will agree with me that it's inevitable. But, I'll stop talking and give you all what you want. Here's chapter 19:
Scott's POV:
I arrived at the hotel room and heard Nora scream. It was a high pitch scream that shook the entire foundation of the hotel. I crashed through the balcony doors. Before me was a scene that reminded me of a tornado.
Vee was slouched against the wall. Blood was flowing down her face from a cut above her left eyebrow. I could tell that she put up a fight and had just closed her eyes. I sent out a feeler to see if my two charges were alive. Luckily both were.
In the room a fallen angel stood with a very pregnant Nora in front of him with a knife to her throat. The fallen angel looked familiar, but he had an aura of a broken and sadistic mind. Obviously the body was being possessed. But, it wasn't a broken human mind. The broken mind was that of a fallen angel. The thing inside the body was something that was strong enough to break the mind of a fallen angel. The only thing that I knew of that was that powerful; was a demon. But there was no way that a demon was on the surface. It couldn't be.
The possessed angel's face was contorted with rage and arrogance. It sneered, "Back from the grave, Parnell?"
I stood there not showing any emotion show, "Let the pregnant Nephilim go."
The man held Nora with one arm around her shoulder and neck and pointed the knife at me, "You see, Scott, I can't exactly do that. I have strict and direct orders to kill the Nephilim and take the archangel hybrid. But I can't exactly do that since killing Nora Grey would kill the weapon, and Lucifer really needs that weapon. Us demons, Guardian Scott, are tired of watching sin slowly destroy the world. We want to eradicate it. So in order to get rid of the so called peace, the archangels want to restore, we have to use the one thing they are trying to keep hidden."
I breathed in. The demons knew about the baby. Patch was going to have a hand full. I remained standing, "Give me the girl, demon. Now, before her actual Guardian comes. And let me tell you that having the two of us here, it will get messy. So hand over the girl and no one gets hurt."
It laughed a sadistic laugh, "God, you are so dense. I guess being dead does that to you. How long have you been dead? How long have you been a Guardian? You may have fought fallen angels and Nephilim, but you have never fought a demon. And, I'm surprised that you don't even know my mind pattern, Scott Parnell."
I read its mind and realized who and what that demon was. The demon was a servant demon. It served one true master and depending on the master determined how high of a servant. According to its arrogance, I'd say it was one of Lucifer's. And the mind pattern was that of a murderer and a traitor of his old race.
I continued to hide my emotions and said, "Looks like I'm not the only one who was given a second chance, Dante," Dante nodded smugly, "How about this, Dante? We leave the girls here, and we go fight on a different plane. Winner takes all. But if you win, you have to go through the other Guardian."
He laughed, "Sure, Scott. But first, I have to leave another note." Dante slid the knife across Nora's throat. A thin line of blood ran down her neck. All of a sudden the front door was kicked down. Patch stepped through the threshold. And boy was he pissed. He made good timing, judging how he was on his knees pressing his hands to his ears fifteen minutes ago.
Patch Cipriano glared at the demon, "Dante Matterazzi. Possessing a former angel of death is very frowned upon. I wonder what would happen if a servant demon went head to head with a Guardian and a Archangel. Not very good. Unlike Guardian Scott, I have fought demons. I was in the first war. I don't think you want to touch this subject. Walk away."
I glanced over at him. Patch's aura was all wrong. His power was fully restored. He didn't feel like a fallen angel anymore. His aura was like Archangel Basso's, but his was different. Patch's had something added to his aura. Patch was an archangel once again.
I smirked at Dante. He sneered and his eyes glassed over. The former angel of death dropped to his knees. He hacked and coughed. The fallen angel looked up at Patch, "Why?" he coughed, "Why save a fallen angel like me? Why come to mine and my daughter's rescue?" The fallen angel's eyes were a slightly pale emerald green. The color resembled a newly widowed Nephilim's.
I found myself at Vee's side. I placed my index finger on Vee's cut. The blood seeped back into the wound and it scabbed over. Vee's eyes fluttered open. She smiled a small smile at me. I grabbed her hand and did the same. I pulled her to her feet.
Patch answered the former death angel, "Because, someone has to be nice to fallen angels. Innocent Fallen don't deserve all of the punishment that is handed to them. I'm speaking from experience. I was fallen for at least two centuries. I worked my ass off to get myself to where I am. I have a family. I'm getting married soon and I'm about to be the general of one of Heaven's secret armies. Trust me; you don't have to be what the archangels tell you that you have to be."
I let Vee check on her father. I walked with Patch to his fiancé. Nora was holding a napkin to her throat and holding her abdomen. Patch removed Nora's napkin, "Are you okay?" She nodded, "I could've lost you back there... I don't know what I would've done if you and the baby were gone." He placed a hand to Nora's ever so growing stomach, "I got your message," he said to the baby, "I got here just in time. I will always be there for you."
Nora smiled and mouthed to me, "thank you." Nora cleared her throat, "Patch?"
Patch returned his gaze to Nora's, "Is something wrong?"
Nora smiled, "I have a name."
A/N: I know. Another cliffy. These are just the best places to end the chapters. So, I went ahead and named the baby Emmaline. I just wanted to give you all a heads up and say that Post Finale will be coming to an end soon. The story will end when Emma is born. However, there will be a new story continuing the events of this story in mostly the POV of Emma. On the last chapter I will let you all know the name of the new story. Thank you all.

Post Finale (#Wattys2016)
FanfictionTakes place after the epilogue of Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. Please review and I hope you like it.