A/N: Hey, everyone who have added this story as one of their favorites, thank you. Thank you everyone who have read this story. If you see any problems with characters in the story, let me know.
Thanks, FoREVermine5211
Disclaimer: I don't own the Hush, Hush Saga
Nora POV
I ran out to Vee's new car, which was a nice 2014 dodge charger. I knew she didn't buy it, but her new husband did. I hoped into the passenger seat and glanced up at the 5th story terrace that I guessed mine and Patch's hotel room was connected to.
I turned in my seat to face Vee. I started to grin, "It's so good to see you!" I know I saw her like two days ago, but seriously it's hard going a day not seeing her. She's my best friend. Even the distance from Coldwater, Maine to London, England could never sever our friendship. I looked at her face and it showed no emotion. She looked like she hadn't even heard me.
I waved my hand in front of her face, "Hello? Vee? I am in the car," I gently moved her chin towards me so that she was facing me, "Vee? Vee, are you okay?" Her green eyes were glassed over and she wasn't blinking. I listened very closely to see if she was breathing. I heard a faint exhale of breath come from her slightly opened mouth. I sighed with relief.
She blinked and her eyes focused on mine, "Nora?"
"Yes, Vee. It's me. You had me worried for a minute." I gave her a quick hug which she turned into a massive bear hug.
"Babe, I can't wait to tell you everything that had happened to me last night! It was magnificent! Although, there is only one thing I would change," she paused for a moment her eyes going glassy for a split second that I could have imagined it, "Anyways, there are so, so many juicy details that you must know!"
"Vee you have an accent!"
She scoffed, "No I most certainly do not, Mrs. Whatever your last name is." She put the car into drive and drove out of the hotel's driveway.
I sighed inwardly. This is a discussion we've been talking about. Vee and I. I've been thinking about changing my last name to Patch's, but I haven't been too sure about it. So far it hasn't changed, and I don't want to do that double last name thing like Mrs. Grey-Cipriano or vice versa. Legally, Patch and I weren't married. Unofficially, we've been married for three years. Because of this I've been trying to decide if I should or not.
"Vee, I-" I was interrupted by Vee's phone ringing. I glanced at Vee who had expertly picked up her phone and pressed the answer button. She placed the phone between her ear and shoulder and continued to drive.
"Hello?" She turned down a small one-way street and drove till she came to a two-way street. "Yes, she's with me." I turned my head towards me sharply. "You want me to do what?"
Vee glanced at me for a quick moment before she leaned forward in her seat to look both ways before turning to her right, "Yes, I can do that. What you are asking for can be quite harmful. For both me and her," she smiled, "No. No. I won't tell her," she paused for another moment, "Jeez, dude, I won't tell her, I already told you that. So what do you want me to do? Prolong everything? You realize she is probably listening even though she is watching out my car window pretending to be fascinated with London's backstreet flora and fauna?"
I heard myself laugh a little and then I turned my head towards the window and looked out it. And I began to do what Vee had just accused me of doing. I mindspoke to her, 'So Vee? Want to tell me who that is and what you are not supposed to tell me?'
She laughed, "Nora! I'm sorry, but I have to go. We will soon be arriving at our destination, so I will have to let you go...... No she doesn't know it is you! Good Lord, she probably does now, because you are one of the only people who cares to call her best friend and do all this under cover stuff."
I had pretty much done exactly that. I narrowed down the people to two: Patch and my mother.
I don't know how she did it, but she managed to hang up, put her cell phone back in her purse, and turn into some old run down antique shop. "What is this place, Vee?" I looked at her. She stared at it before she turned her gaze to me, "This place Nora holds many secrets and it holds a past."
"Vee? What the hell are you talking about? What secrets? What past?" She was starting to scare me. First the glassy eyes, now she is talking about secrets and pasts.
"Nora, this place belongs to part of my family. I was riding along these streets with my mom. She told me to pull into this place and she got out and I followed her. She told me not to follow her, but being my stubborn self, I did exactly what I was told not to. I followed her. She rang a bell on the counter and a man with blonde hair came out. He had bright green eyes. A little brighter than mine. I knew he was before anything was said. I felt some kind of connection towards him. It was like I knew him, but didn't. it was like some kind of Deja-vu thing."
"Vee, what are you talking about?" I she got out and walked towards the front doors. I hopped out of the car and rushed towards her, "Vee, what is going on? What are you talking about?"
"Nora, this place belongs to my father. The fallen angel who my mom fell in love with. He owns this place."
N/A: What???!!! I know right.... Talk about family ties... Anyways thanks for reading..!

Post Finale (#Wattys2016)
FanfictionTakes place after the epilogue of Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. Please review and I hope you like it.