Questions and Answers

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Func stood there frozen. The portal looked very disturbing. Anyone who would stare at it for too long would lose their consciousness in an instant but he has seen something worse than the portal he is starting at currently.

Func: The.....Void? *gulp* R-Robert...W-what is this?

Robert: *giggles in an evil way* You said you wanted to know what we returned for? It's this. But I know you aren't familiar with it so let me tell you.

Func: *answers with a nervous tone* O....Oka...Okay...

Robert: Me and Genie does not come from this world of yours you call, Earth. We come from the total opposite of it which is the Overworld, a place where Humans like you are not allowed to step on.

Func: *gulp* Go on...*both of them entered the room*

Robert: *closes the door of the door* A great war broke out against 2 Super Powers of the Overworld. The Void and The Kreiger. I come from the Void and Genie comes from the Kreiger. The Super Powers had so much bloodshed that they decided to send their best warrior in the field. And to no surprise, the chosen were Genie and I. The battle grounds of the Overworld were too broken and and decided to take the war on another world, which is Earth.

Func: When did it occur?

Robert: About 200 years ago.

Func: (o_O) Damn it was that long ago?

Robert: Yes now let me continue...When we landed on Earth, our battle begun. In your perspective, storms brew up and earthquakes happen. But in ours, total destruction has been going on. In the interest of time the two of us ended in a stalemate but denied it. With our last breath, we were about to use our true forms that can cause the ultimate destruction of this world until your Great Great Great Great Grandfather, Lord Voo entered the battle and laughed at us. We stared at him, thinking of how puny he is. Genie and I had the same idea to take him down. But he was no ordinary human. He unsheathed a sword and began fighting with us.

Func: What?! He challenged the two of you in a duel? And what? He won?

Robert: Heh... Indeed he did. He had faster reflexes than the two of us combined. He ran faster than the two of us combined. In a matter of time, we were defeated. We asked him if he was even human. But he answer: "Yes, I am indeed human. A human that is extraordinarily strong for the two of you." In our shame, we wanted him to finish and kill us. But he had something in mind. "The two of you are strong and has so much potential. I want you to, instead of dying, serve my family until the end." For us, it was a blessing. Another chance to live since in our custom, we must kill ourselves OR be killed by our opponent. Genie and I stared to each other and nodded our heads in agreement.

Func: How come I never knew of this?

Robert: Because only the Lords of the Household are the ones who are allowed of this information. Now that you are the Lord, I have told you this.

Func: How many Lords have you and Genie been serving?

Robert: Including you....then it has been 6 Lords.

Func: I see....So one of those Lords was the one who tried to destroy everything. The betrayer of the Family. *looks to the portal* I have lived long enough to find vengeance for my Father and gain revenge against our Uncle...

Robert: *grins* I see... *puts right hand on left chest and bows slightly* That is the Lord Func that I know. *realizes something* It seems that Mistress Eri is calling me. *opens the door* I shall see you at the dining table Milord. *leaves*

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