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Claire's POV

I woke up at precisely 5 am. I had chosen a cream colored dress, with Ruffles around the top ( #5 in last chapter :) ). I straighten my hair, and my bangs hung to the side ( like her hair in the pic above ). I decided with a light, natural looking makeup. I grabbed nude colored heels and was off, an apple in hand.


Hi Owen.
No that's to plain.
Hello, Owen Grady!
No, too professional.
Hey there.
Definitely not.

"Aaaannndd, your totally not listening," Lowery laughed. To be completely honest, I forgot he was there.

"Oh, uh, sorry," I have him an apologetic look.

"Is something going on?" Lowery asked. Usually Lowery was the last person I would want to talk to, but today I was distracted. Distracted by Owen.

"No. Nothing is w-w-w" my w got extended, because that's when Owen walked in. My heart skipped a beat. Owen walked over to us, and automatically started to panic, what do I say?!

"Hey guys," he smiled.

"Hey," lowery responded. I sat there, not talking. Lowery whacked my arm, to bring me back into reality.

"Ouch! That hurt, Lowery!" I whined.

Owen laughed. God his laugh was perfect. I apparently "got lost in his eyes" again, because he responded with,

"Earth to Claire," he waved a hand in my face.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Thinking again," I nervously laughed. Then we both got lost in each others eyes, because we both didn't say anything for a good three minutes, just looking at eachother, memorizing eachother. Lowery, on the other hand, looked at us in confusion.

"This is totally weird," lowery stated. I shook my head and brought myself back into not-dreamy-Owen-land. I laughed to cover up the weirdness. Owen smirked at me and I blushed. "Are you guys gonna just make googly eyes at eachother or are we actually going to have a conversation?"

My stomach dropped. He did not just say that.

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"You two clearly like eachother, it's obvious," lowery laughed.

"I don't like him one bit! He's an annoying spoiled brat!" I yelled. I regretted everything I said once I said it. I looked to Owen and his face fell, with it my heart shattered. "Owe-" I whispered.

"No, she's right. She's just my boss, nothing else. We're not even friends," Owen mumbled. " I'm gonna go train the raptors, now. I guess. Bye Lowery, bye Cla- Ms.Dearing."

I stood there, shocked, angry, and most of all-


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