chapter seven

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Holy fück.

Remember when I said that my life wasn't so interesting? That has completely changed.

When I thought things couldn't get any worse, fücking Dylan Clarke, the king of the ässholes has to come back into my life. I thought he was all cozied up in a cell room right now but now I'm hearing that he's in a relationship with my frien- aquatints.

"Do you know him?", Benji asks me while sipping on the last of his milkshake.

"Yeah.. I know of him..", I say, not telling him about my bullied past.

"I don't like him.", Benji says with a big frown on his face.

"I don't blame ya..", I agreed while looking outside to see Emmy talking on her phone with him. She's smiling and giggling, pacing up and down the street.

How can an ässhole, make somebody laugh or smile even? All he brought was pain and sadness. His "job" in life was to literally make people's life's a living hell. He is called a bully for a reason. And how can he have a stable relationship? All of the little "girlfriends" that he had only lasted a week at the most and usually ended in tears then he would get a new one, 15 minutes later. I don't know what type of clothing he wears but he's definitely not boyfriend material.

I wasn't too friendly with Emmy but I don't want to see her broken hearted..I don't want anyone to be broken hearted, like me. For anyone who has had their heart broken, it fücking sucks. As cheesy as it sounds, it feels like something's just missing. In your life, your heart even. It tears you apart. You get a strange feeling in your gut that something isn't right, that you're constantly looking out for something or someone to make things right.

I try to do that. I try looking for something to fill this dark void that's inside of me to the tragedy that happened a few months ago but I know I can't. I can't just forget about the person who I thought of so dearly, who I loved. I actually loved her but she isn't here to fill anything up. She just trashed it. She made my heart bleed. She spilled out everything until there was no more. No more of me, no more of her.

As I look out of the diner through the tiny square window, I see her. Seeing her outside, her hair blowing in the light wind, crossing her free arm around her to keep herself warm, still smiling and giggling on the phone made me feel something. As she said before, I don't know what it is but it's something. And I do hope it's something great.

"you're staring."

Knocking me out of my thoughts, I turn to Benji who was staring at me.

"No, I wasn't", I said defensibly.

"You were", he said teasingly. "You like my sister."

"I don't like your sister! I was just checking to see if she doesn't get kidnapped or anything..", I trailed off. Very convincing, Erin. Well done.

"Whatever you say.. I won't tell"

"I don't like your-"

"What did I miss?", Emmy said, sliding back into the booth.

I looked at Benji seeing if he would tell my untrue secret. He looked back at me blankly and looked into his empty cup that was once filled with chocolate Oreo milkshake.

"Nothing much really", he said casually.

I exhaled out a small breath of relief. Even though my secret was totally untrue, it would've been embarrassing.

"Was that büttface on the phone?", he grouchily said. I chuckled at his little pet name for Dylan. Now I really like this kid. He started laughing with me.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny", she said with sarcasm dripping out of her mouth. "but yes it was. He was asking me to come to a party next week."

"Are you really going to go?", he wined.

"Yes! Why would I not go?"

"Because he's a good for nothing yellow liver!!!", he started to raise his voice a bit to prove his point. I nearly spat the last of my milkshake across the table because of him! I started to laugh with Benji soon joining me. This kid is just full of surprises. Even though Emmy looked a bit pïssed at us, she began to giggle a bit.

"Okay he's not a yellow liver and you need to stop watching dad's old cowboy movies", she said with her laughter trailing off.

"It's better than saying that he's a bastar-"

"Wowowowowow! Who taught you that?"

Benji looked up at me, Emmy following. I immediately but my hands up in defence.

"What are you looking at me for?", I said. Emmy raised her eyebrow at me like saying "Come on.."

"He's only 10!", she started scolding me.

"He is bound to know those words eventually! You can't blame me for all of his actions."

"Hmm very true. But I don't want to hear any curse words while I'm around, you hear?"

"Yes, ma'm", I said saluting her for humour. Benji giggled at my actions.

"Unbelievable...", Emmy rolled her eyes at me.

I actually kind of like hanging around with them. Hanging around with a confusing girl and a 10 year old wasn't what I was going for but it's fine with me. They brought something that I didn't already have in my life. Growing up as a lonely, only child with only Perry by my side since I was 11, I had no one. No one who spiced
my life up and these two siblings definitely put a bit of quirkiness into it.

• • • • • • • •

SHORT CHAPTER I KNOW!! but I haven't had the time to write and this is all I could think of.


but it's the Christmas holidays now so hopefully I'll have a new chapter for you all soon enough!

Happy Christmas to my readers! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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