36. Whispers From Where?

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Dedicated to the beautiful Baespoke!!!! I love you boo!

One week later...

Valkyrie had been uneasy for the rest of the week. The thought that Sanguine or Dusk, or whoever else was working alongside them would strike, was unnerving. Her bump had gotten bigger, and she knew that she was close to being seven months into her pregnancy. She raised her eyebrows. Wow, time was flying by fast!

She had started to get back pain and felt breathless a lot lately. Reverie had told her that it was because her organs had been moved higher up in her body to make more room for a baby, thus making it harder to breathe. At first she had freaked out, thinking that she was going to die, but Skulduggery had managed to calm her down and reassure her. If anyone knew about these things, he did. He'd already gone through it once with his other wife.

Valkyrie sighed and moaned. Luckily, her morning sickness had subsided and she no longer felt like shit. But it was getting harder to move around. Today, Skulduggery and her were going back to Ireland.

She felt relieved, yet saddened that they had to leave Australia. She had grown fond of the warm temperature and the endless blue skies. She had loved spending her days on the beach, basking in the sun. They never got much of a chance to do that in Ireland.

She turned when she heard the door to the bathroom open and Skulduggery walked out. He smiled when he saw her.

"Good morning," he chirped, gently pulling her in for a hug.

"Morning," she replied into his shirt. He pulled away and kissed her lightly on the lips for a few moments. When they broke off she spoke.

"I need to pack."

"Nope. I already did it."

She smiled. "You didn't have to do that for me."

He cupped her face with his hand.
"I'll do anything for you," Skulduggery whispered.

"Aww, how sweet!" A voice exclaimed from the door.

Skulduggery spun around and Valkyrie jumped in fright. He stood in front of her protectively, and Valkyrie looked frantically over his shoulder. There was a man, with brown coloured hair and bright blue eyes standing there.

"Hello Aidan," the man said.

Valkyrie didn't even see it, it happened so fast. One second Skulduggery was standing in front of her, and the next he had the man pinned up against the wall. Valkyrie's eyes widened as Skulduggery pulled out his revolver and pressed it to the man's temple. 

"Who are you?" He growled. "And how do you know my given name?"

Despite having a gun held at his head, the man laughed.

"What? You don't recognise your dear big brother?"

Valkyrie saw Skulduggery falter, and then he lowered the gun and released the man, who smiled when Skulduggery stepped away. Skulduggery narrowed his eyes.

"Jacob? What are you doing here? You're meant to be dead."

Valkyrie was so confused. The man whom Skulduggery had called Jacob laughed.

"I'm not Jacob anymore Aidan."

"You took a name?"

"Yes I did."

"What is it?"

"Tyrell Vizzini. And that's what everyone thinks. I never died little brother, I just left you."

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