40. Skulduggery Was Shot...

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Valkyrie gasped at what she saw. Reverie was rushing around like a madwoman while Skulduggery writhed on the bed.

Tanith's hand went to her mouth and Valkyrie ran into the room. She dropped to her knees beside the bed and grabbed his hand.

"What's happening?" She asked, her voice full of panic.

"That bullet had poison in it," Reverie gushed. Valkyrie gasped.

"Poison? Again?!"

The blonde doctor nodded, and went back to rushing around. Tanith had left by the looks of things. Probably to get Ghastly.

Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery as he arched his spine and gritted his teeth, in obvious pain. Reverie hurried back over, a syringe in her hand.

"Why is it that as soon as you get home one of you gets into trouble?"

She shook her head, and gently pushed the needle into his upper arm. Valkyrie looked away. God, she hated needles.

It took a moment, and then Skulduggery finally stopped writhing. Valkyrie looked back at him as he relaxed, his eyes fluttering shut. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"He'll be okay now right?" She asked. Reverie nodded.

"Give it a couple of hours and he'll wake up completely fine."

Valkyrie nodded. "Thank you."

"How are you?" The doctor asked, changing the subject. Valkyrie was grateful for that.

"I'm doing okay," Valkyrie answered. Reverie smiled.

"That's good."

"But I've been getting back aches and been feeling breathless lately."

The doctor nodded.
"That's normal at this stage. It's because all your organs and bones have been pushed up higher to be able to fit the baby in."

"It's quite scary when I think about it a lot."

"It can be yes. Is there anything you're afraid of?"

Valkyrie took a moment before answering.
"Going into labour unexpectedly, when the timing isn't right. That's probably the biggest worry."

"I can see why, especially with what you guys do. In the next month try to stay close to the Sanctuary. Maybe stop the cases for a little while."

Valkyrie sighed.
"I'm going to have to. Skulduggery won't even let me go on cases now."

"He's worried about you Valkyrie. It's normal. All of it is normal."

"What if I'm not ready?"

"You're as ready as you think you can be. No one else can decide when you're equipped to deal with these things. Only you can do that. But I promise I'll always be here."

Valkyrie smiled.
"And I'm glad you are. As much as I miss Kenspeckle, I'd rather it be you helping. For one you're a female, so it's less embarrassing. Two, you don't blame everything on Skulduggery. And three, you're much easier to talk to about this kind of thing."

Reverie smiled.
"Glad I could help."

Valkyrie sighed, and then her eyes widened.
"Oh my god!"

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot all about Gabrielle!" She yelled standing up. "Mind if I..."

"Go ahead, he won't be awake for a while."

She smiled. "Thank you! I'll be back!"


Valkyrie walked quickly out the door and down the hallway, pushing past Mages. She saw Fletcher and called out to him. He turned.

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