45. You Look Really Pale...

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"I'm glad that your parents were so supportive," Gabrielle said as she braided Valkyrie's hair.

"Me too," Valkyrie replied.

"I wish I could come with you guys today."

"You can if you want to Gabs."

"Tyrell won't let me. He said to leave you and Skulduggery to go by yourselves."

"Oh well, we wouldn't mind."

Gabrielle stopped braiding.

"Yeah, of course."

The blonde girl's blue eyes lit up.
"Thank you."

"It's no big deal."

Gabrielle went back to braiding, just as Skulduggery knocked on the door.

"Are you decent?" He called.

"Yep!" Both girls replied.

The door opened and Skulduggery stepped inside.
"Girl time?" He asked with a smile in his voice.

"Yes Skul, a girl needs to get pampered at least once in her lifetime," Valkyrie giggled and Gabrielle smiled at her brother.

"What about you? Do you want me to braid your hair?"

Skulduggery disappeared from the room, slamming the door after him, and both Gabrielle and Valkyrie cracked up laughing.

"I know he wants it done," Gabrielle joked, and tied the hairband in Valkyrie's hair so that the braid didn't fall out.

"There, done. You can look now," she said, and started putting away the hair things.

Valkyrie stood up slowly, and walked towards the full length mirror on the wall. She'd never let anyone braid her hair before, not even her own mother. It had always been hanging freely over her shoulders, or in a ponytail when she'd been doing Detective work with Skulduggery. Now, she didn't even recognise herself.

"Woah," she breathed, admiring Gabrielle's work from all possible angles.

"Did I do a good job?" The blonde girl asked.

"You did an amazing job!" Valkyrie exclaimed, turning and wrapping Gabrielle in a hug. "Thank you."

"No problem Val. Oh, and Skulduggery's waiting for you."

"You're not coming?"

"No. I've decided that I won't."

"Well, okay then," Valkyrie said, gathering up her things. "Bye."

She made her way downstairs and saw Skulduggery standing with Tyrell.

"Hey," she said, catching the attention of both the men. "You ready to go?"

"Yes," Skulduggery replied, approaching her. He placed a quick kiss on her lips and took her hand hand in his. "We'll be back later," he told Tyrell, who nodded.

"Have fun," he told them, his blue eyes drifting to Valkyrie. His gaze was hard, and it made her feel uneasy. She shook it off and followed Skulduggery outside towards the Bentley.


"Ah, Skulduggery, Valkyrie," Cassandra Pharos greeted them when they walked in.

"Hi Cassandra," Valkyrie said.

"How are you two? I haven't seen you in a while, not since the wedding."

"I'm guessing you've heard quite a bit though?" Skulduggery said. Cassandra grinned.

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