Music Lyrics and Love : 3

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Its been three days, I haven't visited the door even if it was a mere distance away from me.

how could i?

I couldn't, after the things that are nestling in my head.

Three day's ago

Its been two weeks exactly,visiting the door and relieving my pain which was helping me a lot to cope up with things happening around me.

I was in my room ,seating on my comfy bed going through the words I had written in past few weeks when dad knocked on my rooms open door asking me for my permission.

"dad you don't have to knock, you know that right" he had always known that but I don't know why he asks me every-time before entering into the room.

"I know kiddo" he smiles and makes his way towards me . i place the papers in my hand down bedside my pillow and scoot closer to my dad who is now seating on one corner of the bed.

"want happen dad?" I know when he comes this way and sit there without saying anything , means something is going through his head.

"you know kiddo ,what I always say?" I nod in response as he place his one hand on my shoulder ,side hugging me and I rest my head on his chest.

"that mum is always watching us from up there" I say with a little sad voice.

"kiddo I know you work a lot harder to complete her dream of becoming writer I can see that when I read each and every poem/song you had written in these past few weeks"

"dad you are not suppose to read them"

"I know , but I couldn't stopped myself from doing that but that's not the thing i came here to talk"

"then what is it?"I say as I move my head from his chest and looks at him.

he was staring straight ahead at the picture of mum me and him at my 10th birthday, where they took me too my favorite amusement park.

"your mum , always cared about you, you were like her oxygen to live, you were her happiness, she was over protective of you as I was for her and now for you, she couldn't see you get hurt by tiniest things, she couldn't even see you cry......that's why before she left us she did one thing , one thing thinking which would make you happiest person on the earth" he said as I stare him still staring at the picture with a watery eyes.

"one thing, what is it dad?" ask him again.

"she found you a perfect other half" he finish saying , at first I couldn't make it out but then I understand what he is saying by other half I was in shock.

Since then I haven't even talked to my dad, I sure hated myself that my mum was gone because of me but it hurts me more ,that she did the most greatest things for me and now she is not here to witness it.

I was even little mad at her , how could she take such a big decision by herself without even telling me.???

and why dad haven't told me anything about this sooner??

I still remember , when I was small everyday she used to tell me the story about a prince and princes , how they found each other , how they argue with each other , how they solve every thing , every misunderstandings and fall in love with each other,lastly they get married and live happily ever after. and how at the end she used to tell me that;

"you my dear child the luckiest princes any one could ever ask for and when you find your prince , you both will have life-like these stories'"

but I used to ask her

"what if I don't find him mum?"

"don't worry my dear , then ill find him for you" and she kisses me good night

Thinking about this, makes me wonder did she know about the future ?

About my life?

About my loneliness?

About her not being here with me?

did she knew that , that I will need her help? always........

~ you always did the one thing

I was craving for.

You cared for me

no matter how far you are.

How far?

Where I couldn't find you

beside me

Where I couldn't engulfed

me in your arms

Where I couldn't see you

right there in front of me

smiling like you always did

whether you are happy or not

but you still cared ,

for me

for your daughter

even when you are dead

and million miles away.

It will always be an

mystery to me

because I will never

know how you did

this for me

It's like an air,

making you feel

but never for you to see.....~

Sorry guys , not the best one I know....

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