Music Lyrics and Love : 1

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Day 1

It's my routine to pass by all these rooms , spending the most alone 15 minutes of my life roaming into this hallway having many doors .watching these brown colored teak wood doors with a marvelous carving like doors in the castle, feeling each and every carving with my hand ,walking in the hallway taking each steps as my life depends on it , humming the tune of my favorite song so it can echo through the hallway and I can hear it again and again. It's like walking in the land of heaven not an actual but the land of heaven in your dreams. which you can imagine and live in it without any worry.

And the last thing which I love to do when I am in this hallway , to stop near one of the door and hear the melodious sound of piano keys. It is the door in the way far at the corner of the hallway, it's the door where I stop humming the tune of my favorite song ,I stop my every movement which will disturb the person behind that close door.

Today I am standing here in my red dress , with some books in my hand for my next class ,my small bag on my shoulders; waiting for a person behind the door to continue.

As the soft keys of piano tunes hits my ears my hand makes its way to the door not for knocking but for to feel the music coming from the room.

I know there is no way possible I can feel it through the door but I can feel it cause I can hear it with my ears.

mum always said to me when she used to sing for me,

"if you fail to feel it with your ears then feel it with your heart"

Taking my hand back to myself I stand there leaning on to the wall near the door, listening to the piano and start writing down the words. the word which are coming from my heart on one of the notebook.

My words goes with the tune of piano ,complementing it and less than a minute I had written a first few lines of the song

~it's not me, it's my heart

waiting for you to come back.

will you be there?

Night goes just like the seasons goes

will you be there ,

to find where my heart goes?

I want you with me

cause I need you there

to take care of me,

will you be there?

I want to know you ,feel you

want to complete the

broken tune of your heart

just like strumming

the strings of my guitar~

I never knew why I write this stuff but I guess it's my mom's gift for me ,she is the reason I write.

But that's not just it is, the words I scribble on these papers are worth much more than just a dusty drawer in my room. I'm not the person of words, I'm just me never the less but just a girl with the dream of become writer. completing my mothers dream when she was alive

The person behind this door who's playing the piano should know that he is one of the reason behind my words, he is the person whose helping me to heal, to write what I feel at that moment , to give away the painful feelings in my heart.

He has each and every Wright to know about this, but guess what I can't do that ,at least not now.

I know I don't have the reason to hide these papers from him but this the best way until it takes all of my pain go away.

the piano keys had stopped a while ago when I was deep in to writing the next few lines. and that reminds me ,it's my cue to leave the hallway and head to my class.

Closing the book I stand giving a one last glance to the door before leaving the hallway completely.

I'll be back tomorrow.

So this is the first chapter of MUSIC, LYRICS AND LOVE.

how's it guys?

don't forget to leave your comments and vote below means a lot to me

also don't forget to read "Petal's".


Music Lyrics and Love #Zaylena [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now