Music lyrics and Love : 5

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(nOt EdItEd)

Today is the day I am gonna meet him, to Matthew. Apparently he goes to the same college as me but the thing is I don't know how he looks now because I don't remember seeing any chubby boy here In past one month.

I do remember childhood Matt. Yea I use to call him Matt because the childhood me 'hate it how his name had more letters than mine'. Childhood minds!

He used to be chubby, so chubby that my mum always use to pinch his cheeks making them more red than already they were, he was funny ,and total flirt.Even at that age he tries to impress the girls in our school including me with his not so cheeky line.

But I wonder who he looks now?

Does he even remember me?

How I'm gonna know him when I see him?

Does he know 'This' me?

or he still think that I am the old Rose with braces and two ponytails,pink dress with Barbie shoes?

I tried my best

Until I completely remembered you

But will I try my best

Until I fall completely in love with you.........


Breaking my thoughts I stop in my track only to realized that I am here again in the same hallway with the piano playing behind the door.

I know I have very little time before my class starts but I do need to seat here a let it all out. I sat resting my back to the door and pull out my one page.

Listening to the piano notes I can clearly say that the person is in his good mood again because I remember last time when I visited here he sounded sad , off-key. But today, must be something good had happened with him to make him so happy.

I don't know what good will going to happen to me....


When the piano stopped I noticed that I had written enough words on the paper to let it out.

~Today is the day

when I am going to see you

for the first time

after so long ..

Today is the day

I am gonna take

one step ahead

towards the wish

mum had always dreamed of.

Today is the day

I will decide

whether or not

to take a risk of my life

for my heart.

Today is the day

I am gonna decide

whether or not

to giveaway

my heart along.

to you , my not so very stranger.......Matthew.~


Can someone ever be so deep in thought to realized the door behind her back is gonna open any seconds from now on. And she need to run for her life if she want to hide her self from the person behind the door?

But it was too late because here I stand on my feet all ready to run for my class and at the same moment the open door gives the presence of someone behind my back. But I don't stop and start walking blocking all the words coming from behind me , from the real strangers mouth.

"hey wait?"

"hey g-girl w-wait!"

"Cher wa-........."

Cher? that......

But before I heard what the person is going to say I turn left blocking his voice from my ears and made my way towards the class.

Here I am not ready to meet one

and now I don't need the another



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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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Music Lyrics and Love #Zaylena [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now