Music Lyrics and Love : 4

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(nOt EdItEd)

After two days-

I am kind of happy after realizing what my mum did for me , she had found me my other half but until when i realized the other truth, I don't even know him and she was expecting me to spend my life with him.

Spend my life with the person who I haven't met before, don't know how he look, his nature, his priorities, his...... every bit that I don't know about. He is a complete stranger for me and she was expecting me to live my fairy tale life with him.How am I going to do that?

Will I be able to do that?

I don't know how am I going to know you

when I haven't seen you......

Will I be able to love him?

Even if I will know you,

Love or not it always needs a spark

Will I be enough for him?

A plane simple girl who haven't got over her mother's death and chasing her dream thinking this will always let her have her crystal ball connection with her mum?

I am nothing but plain Jane

with flaws and the color stains.

What if we fall for each other?

It will happen for first time

slowly and smoothly I will fall for you

What if we argue?

We scream and shout

Tearing each other with every word.

What if he leaves me?

Will you ever leave me alone?

I will be heartbroken....

What if we fall apart after some time?

that's not good

because I would've already started

Loving you.......


Only thinking about my future life with complete stranger nestling my head with so many questions but what will happen when I will meet him tomorrow in person?

"Hun?" dad was seating again there beside me on my bed.

"yes" I respond to him.

"Don't worry she always loved you more than me, she will never tie you up with complete douche kind of stranger" as the words left his mouth a small smile made its way on my lips though I had one question. I turned to look him in the eye. The question was there on my face , I didn't need to ask him How?

"Remember the boy from your childhood?, the one who use to play with you, one of your mothers friends son who left the town when you both were in third grade." he tried to explain me, helped me to remember this boy I don't know why.

"not exactly dad but, what about him?" I asked again.

"They were back in town after your mum passed away and few days ago we crossed our paths.

I knew all along that your mother had always adore that boy just like his mother had adored you. They had even decided to make you fall for each-other if you eventually didn't fall for each other. that way you both will always be in front of their eyes.But when they left the town me and your mother thought that it was never meant to be. But when few days ago I meet them I couldn't even believe on my own yes.

they didn't knew about what happened to your mother but when I told them they were sad, and wanted to complete the last wish your mum had" he placed his hand on my cheek

"for you to marry the perfect prince charming you deserve in your life"

"is that mean?" I asked again.

"yes my princess , he is no stranger, he is the friend of yours , a son of your mother's friend,who is no stranger to you just memory, the one who you will marry one day"

After that dad left my room but not without telling me that i will be meeting him tomorrow at college.

I will meet Matthew tomorrow,....after so long.


You are no stranger to me

when I thought you are

you are still in my memory though

which needs to be refreshed .......

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