|JEONGHAN| Goodnight Kiss~

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Just like every other night, you were here again on your couch, waiting for your boyfriend Jeonghan to come home.

Yes, 17's Angel was your boyfriend :) You've always found it funny how on stage he was a burst of charisma, but he always came home as the kind and gentle Jeonghannie. It made you smile at the thought of it.

*Ding Dong*

Snapping out of your thoughts, you went to open the apartment door. You were greeted by an exhausted, sleepy Jeonghan. A smile formed on his face once he saw you, but you just pouted at him sadly. He sensed your mood and changed his expression.

"Jagi? What's wrong?"

Before answering, you pulled him into a tight hug not wanting to let him go.

"I missed you."

You felt the vibrations on his chest as he chuckled, hugging you back.

"I know, I missed you too."

He rested his head on top of yours and started swaying playfully, trying to make you feel better. Which it did, making you laugh at his dorky actions.

"There's the laugh that I love so much!"

He exclaimed, you just looked up at him and smiled.

"Jeonghannie, you must be tired from practice. Did you eat yet?"

"Don't worry, our manager treated us for dinner. We had pizza!"

"Ok good! You need the weight, look how skinny you are! It makes you look weak."

You pulled away from his embrace to lift one of his bony arms with a concerned look on your face.

"Hey! For your information, my body doesn't like to grow in muscle! And I'm plenty strong!"

"Then prove it!"

A yelp came out of your mouth as Jeonghan lifted you bridal style, kicking the door closed behind him as he carried you to the bedroom.

He gently laid you down on the bed before plopping down beside you, trying to catch his breath.

"May, did you gain weight? Cause it feels like you got heavier..."

You threw a pillow to his face, making him laugh.

"No! I did not! But Hannie, you didn't have to carry me. You're exhausted, go to sleep now!"

He pulled the pillow off of him and faced you with an eager look on his face.

"I'm not going to bed till I get a goodnight kiss."

You blushed madly as he started leaning in to you.

"Go kiss yourself goodnight!"

You start pushing his face away from you, making him pout in disappointment. As if he was offended, he turned away from you and sulked on his side of the bed.

"Aww, Jeonghannie! I was just kidding!"

He knew that you were kidding, but he just wanted to play around with you more. Thinking that you've upset him, you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend and nuzzled into his neck.

"I love you Jeonghan."

You said sweetly. Giving in, he turned and faced you, a wide smile on his face.

"Then prove it!"

He said mocking you, making you roll his eyes at him. You decided to give him what he wanted, so you planted a goodnight kiss on his lips.

"Happy now?"


He nodded in content, before he added.

"I love you too May."

Silence filled the bedroom as you both closed your eyes, getting comfortable in each other's arms.

"Hey Jeonghan?"


Since the both of you were tired, neither of you bothered to open your eyes again.

"I was just thinking... Don't you think it would make more sense if I dated Jun? You know, because May then June."

He pushed you away and went back to sulking at the edge of the bed. You laughed at his childishness and repeated the same process.

"Jeonghan!!! Kidding!!!"

He started laughing with you as he turned around, but this time he protectively wrapped his arms around you.

"Well either way, there's no chance I'm loosing you to anyone. You're way too valuable to me."

You gave him a longer kiss to show your appreciation.

"Same here Hannie..."


AHHH!!! Jeonghan!!! Bias wrecker!!!

IAmLifez Thanks for requesting and being like a little sis to me :) You guys should check her out too, she also makes great 17 imagines!


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