|JEONGHAN| Sleeping Angel~

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Rubbing your eyes, you woke up to a sleeping angel. Usually it was a happy feeling waking up to him, but now it was more concerning...

Tracing the bags under his eyes broke your heart, but at least he slept in peace.

He must've came home late last night...

Getting up early morning was never easy, but you did it for him. After a quick shower and preparing breakfast, you went back to the bedroom to wake up Jeonghan.

Kneeling on the floor beside his side of the bed, you started to call out to him softly.

"Jeonghan Oppa~ Ireona~"

Not a single move was made, he just laid there lifeless. You started shaking his shoulder gently.


Ok good, he's not dead...Whew!

"Oppa~~ Get up now~~"

His eyes fluttered open to look at you, once his vision focused, he smiled and caressed your cheek.

"Morning Jagi~ Thanks for waking me up."

His morning voice was deep and husky, it ran chills up your spine. Leaning into his hand, his smile grew wider.

"Oppa~ I do this everyday, there's no need to thank me. Now go wash up and eat breakfast before you get late for practice."

"Mmm... Cuddle with me first..."

He closed his eyes again to sleep.

"Promise me that you'll get up if I do."

He spreaded out his arms to hug you. Sighing, you crawled in with him for a couple minutes.

"Okay Oppa get up now."

No response...

Having enough, you slipped out of his embrace and dragged him out of bed, literally.


Now he was sprawled on the floor, face down, along with a couple pillows.

"Good! I'm sure you're awake, go get ready for practice!"



"Ok guys from the top!"

Hoshi said. The members where already out of breath fanning themselves to keep cool. They've been practicing the new choreography for 8 hours now and still going. It was something you admired greatly.

Oh and by the way, the reason why you were there in the dance room was because a "certain someone" didn't want to leave the house until you went with him.

*cough* Jeonghan *cough*

The memory brought a smile to your face.

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