|WONWOO| (Requested) Part 1

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This imagine was requested by: @monsflyTSxvntroBing6


Nara's POV

My gaze met with several people as I headed to my first class. They cowered from the uncomfortable death glare sent towards them. Yeah my serious expression looked a little scary, but it's not like I'd do anything to hurt them.

Walking into my class, I took my usual seat at the far corner. The sound of squealing girls made me groan internally in annoyance. Till now his presence would still tick me off.


Just hearing his name would make my blood boil. I don't know why, but we've always hated each other. Maybe it was because we were incompatible. My eyes looked out the window beside me to avoid his cocky visual.

"Nara-yah! That's my seat!"

His deep voice pulled me away to look at his smug face. He knew that this has always been my spot, it was just to humiliate me in front of his admirers. But I wasn't the type to back down that easily.

Wonwoo's POV

Nara looked to me with the same smug expression I had, clearly accepting the challenge that was brought up.

"Since when emo boy?"

Psh...That's overused.

Everyone knew about our daily fights, a never ending battle.

"Since I told you, now move."

There was always a natural irritation between us two.

Nara seemed to find my command funny. Her lips cracked a sarcastic smile before standing up and shooting me her signature death glare.

"Get this through your thick skull. I'm not like everyone else to bow before someone as pathetic as you."

Ouch...That's a new one.

It was my turn to smile at her insult. I noticed that her volume was starting to increase, which meant that I poked a nerve.

"Aww, that's cute. You think you'd have to bow? Ha! If anything, you'd have to be my slave. It suits you better tomboy."

Her smile faded while her glare started to burn into my eyes, but then she smiled.

"Says the one who's gay for Mingyu."

Nara's POV

Judging by his expression, he was fuming in anger and embarassment.

Like I said, pathetic.

Before he was able to comeback at me, the teacher walked in unexpectedly.

"What is this?! Everyone! Back to your seats!"

When they cleared, our teacher was able to catch Wonwoo and I giving disgusted glares towards each other. Once everyone sat down, our teacher commanded the both of us to keep standing.

"How long are the two of you gonna keep this up? You're starting to get on all the teacher's nerves from your useless fights during EVERY class."

"Joesonghamnida Sonsaengnim..."

We said in unison, but that only made our teacher angrier.

"No. I'm not letting you guys off the hook that easily. That's why I created a punishment."

Wonwoo and I looked at each other with worry in our eyes.

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