What do you think?

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What is fact and what is fiction?

What is truth or twisted illusion?

On what is the base of those beautiful 'lies'?

Or where can you find 'facts', both empirical and cold?

Why must conquest be our sole destination?

Beyond a shadow of doubt, a truth for the nations?

Schisms made, friendships lost.

Enemies found, hate is enough.

Unproven theories soon become law

Used, taken out of context

Building walls of the 'truth'

For mudslinging contests

Of those who need proof

That their path is right

To deviate from what they once held tight

Why is scorn such an easy reply?

To look down our noses

At the mystery of why

Only a year later, 'truth' is found 'lie'

Feeling foolish

With what we used to consider wise

Finding that 'facts' were skewed

And left out to dry

Errors were found

But we never asked why

"It is what it is"

We're told boldly in class

As religion and science take two different paths

"These two things simply cannot coexist"

Or "The failings of man are beyond all remiss"

I ask, "Why do we not have a unified explanation of all

Between quantum theory

And Einstein's relativity?"

A fudge factor is required

To use them in the slightest

Yet still utilized without a full understanding

And universally accepted as 'fact' by the masses

Like a child playing with a parents computer

Knowing how to access after trial and error

Or after observing them used

With careful scrutiny though

Watching your parents changes their action

Still copying without knowing why

Knowing nothing of programming

Nor how to produce

Unaware of a grander design

Asking for proof without bias

Or being biased in 'fact'

What is the difference?

Opinions abound around the table

All having validity

Yet all have a basis

A bias or a desire to point

Facts are still facts when they're standing alone

But placed in an exchange

It's a chance to strike

Twist and turn it however you would like

Is a fact still a fact when it's trying to fight?

In the end, people are people

They'll do what they like

Accepting or denying and trying to apply

Always furtive, with darting eyes

Not confident their perception of 'truth'

Kicking and screaming while standing aloof

Hiding behind their own little walls

Enlightening and guiding

Those they feel are quite lost

Doing a 'favor' for them which are blind

Serving by tripping

Shoving muck in their face

Tearing foundations of brick apart

Seeing destruction and bidding goodbye

Is service still a service when you seek to destroy?

To tear apart 'truth' with a 'fact' of the day?

Glad in the heart when you see that despair

Condescending in thoughts as you say, "There, there"

When faced with 'truth'

Is it fact?

Or is it fiction?

Or perhaps, a vain imagination?

Who do you trust with your faith and position?

How can you tell if the 'truth' is a 'lie'?

With the light of confidence, a lie for the nations?

Why must surrender be our common beginning?

Where can you find 'lies', both empirical and cold?

Or what is the base of those beautiful 'truths'?

What are lies or a clear-cut reality?

What is fact and what is fiction?

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