Addicted To Your Love (Teacher/Student Relationship)

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That was 17 year old me and she wrote a book that is good but corny as shit so I'm doing some Major editing. Nothing too confusing just a warning if things don't make sense just go back a bit. Thanks for the reads!!!! And listen to that song up top it's so dope!



Slowly opening my eyes and look at the clock 5:00 am. I have to wake up a hour early because i walk to school. I hated waking up but felt a bit of joy to know this was my last year of high school. I really didn't think about all the senior activities because I knew I wouldn't go anyways. I'm pretty introvert to be honest. But college is around the corner and I have the world to explore. So much to look forward too!

"Thank God its my last year" I thought to myself. I stretched my aching muscle and sadden that I had to get of my bed. My room wasn't much. I had a small twin size bed in the center wall of my room. A dresser and mirror. We didn't have the pleasure of having many tv's in our house, so that was pretty much it.

Getting out of my comforter, goosebumps rising on my skin as I feel the cold hair surrounding me. I ran to the bathroom turning the shower on. While waiting for the water to heat up I decide to brush my teeth, once hygiene was done I wrapped my body and my hair in a towel, walk to the closet and picked out my outfit. I choose a plain whit v-neck tee with my black leather jacket, blue jeans and my dirty old blue converse. When I put on my bra I looked into the mirror and gasp at how skinny i was. I wasn't anerexic but you could see my ribs. I straightened out my shirt, my Mom always told me that I had curves but I didn't think so. I though I was plain; that's how the world made me feel so I just excepted it. My best and only friend Noelany always told me I had legs she would die for but when I looked at them they looked like noodles. I guess you could say I didn't have much self confifence in myself. How could you when the only person that told you you where beautiful was your mom and best friend. I felt that they only said to pity me.

That reminds me I forgot to text her last night. Unwrapping my damp hair putting it into a loose ponytail like I always do.

I went to go grab my backpack and and check my phone. I see that I have 22 messages all from Noelany!! I swear that chick is crazy.



Noelany: I'm about to blow your phone uupppp.

And she was not playing either.

I laughed at her weirdish ways and the words she makes up, but I love her. We act exactly the same like we were made to be best friends. Shes the only one who knows all my secrets and how I lived. Im not very open to people, I stay to myself thats why I only have one friend but I'm happy anyways. I read the next message with a smile

Noelany: GUESS WHAT!!! Oh never mind I'm not gonna tell you since you fell asleep on me!!! :P

With a tired smile on my face I walk to the kitchen and TRY to find something to hold me untill lunch but there was nothing as usual. I wonder what Noelany was going to tell me. It kind of bugging me now.

I walking to our kitchen still thinking about what Noelany was saying. I open the refrigerator to find.... nothing not even an empty ketchup bottle.

My stomach growled loudly I text my bester asking if she could bring me some food. She text back sure, she knew I ways unfortunate and she always takes care of me when I desperately need her thats why I love her. I actually hate asking her for help. I like to do things on my own. I guess it was a pride thing.

I grab my back and walk to the door when I hear a loud snore I walk into the small living room. We dont have much furniture just a old light brown couch my grandma gave us, a glass coffee table that had 5 lottery tickets upon it.

My dad keeps thinking he's going to win the lottery, then we have a old television. I walk over to wear my dad is sleeping.I didnt want to wake him because he has been working so hard to pay the bills. My mom always works the graveyard shift at the nearby convenient store. She tries to put food in the house but money is really tight since my older sister is so wild.

I kissed him on the cheek and smiled at his loud snores, wondering how my mom puts up with that. Thank God I cant hear him from my room. I grab my keys check the time 6:43 and head out the door. It takes me an hour to walk to school.

I inhale the LA air and begin my stroll to school. There was only a couple of thick white clouds covering the sun. It wasn't hot only 70 degrees perfect weather for a stroll I thought. While I walked I was texting Noelany, I have to because she doesn't like when I walk to school she thinks I'll get kidnapped or rapped. She's very overprotective of me and if I don't text her in the same minute as she has she calls 911. I'm serious...... shes done it before. Grinning at the thought a car pulls up next to me. I look at the car and know exactly who it is.

"Hey little fuck... you wanna ride" The aggravating voice called out to is none other than my 21 year old sister Amanda.

She loathed me; for god knows what. She's has always treated me badly, ever since I was little. And I hated her. Soon as she got to high school she started to really change, and our parents were fed up with her mess.

She ditched all her classes all the time. She partied all night with her junkie boyfriend. And her friends encouraged her to do drugs. I'm surprised she hasn't OD. I tried to help her and told our parents that she was doing, she could have hurt herself. They were pissed and she was on house arrest for like a year! She's been pissed off at me ever since. She always called me names either a ''Screw up" or a "Nobody". When i was 7 she told me that i was adopted and I cried for about a week even though my parents told me it wasn't true. She is just a cruel demon.

I looked at her flabbergasted, she has never offered me a ride.

"Oh come on, I'm trying to be a nice big sister" she said with a smirk.

I shrugged and was about to grab the handle of the door when she sped off. She put her arm out the window and flicked me off. I grunted in anger and sped walked to school.


there it is tell....... tell me what you think

I have a new story that I'm writing now called "Unexpected Love" it's based on a true story!!! Yes it's  true so please go check it out!!




Addicted To Your Love (Teacher/Student Relationship) MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now