Chapter 28

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Angie's POV

I managed to actually drive home. Tears streaming down my face. I sat in my car realizing everything that has happened today.

I just cant believe he's gone, my vinny. Jacob broke up with me. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant. What am I supposed to do? He hates me.

I got out of the car and went into the house.

"Hey whats wrong" my mom said running up to me hugging me.

"He- he" I stuttered.

"It's okay take your time" she said as she took me to the living room. We sat down and I had my head on her shoulder.

"He broke up with me" it finally came out. This can't be happening to me.

She gasped. "Oh honey" my mom gripped me tighter.

"Calvin's dead" I mumbled but she heard me. I honestly feel like killing myself. My life sucks.

"I'm pregnant"

"I know" whats she knew. I got out of her grasp and looked at her bewildered.

"You did" I sniffed.

"Yes a mothers instinct, dad knows to" she said grabbing me laying me on her chest again.

"Your not mad" I asked her.

"No, I'm disappointed you didn't tell me though" she said.

"How can I be mad I'm going to be a grandma" I laughed.

"I'm going to my room" I said getting up heading to the stairs.

"Tell me when you need something, and I'll bring up dinner" She said.

"And Angie" I stopped and turn around to look at her.

"Every things going to be okay, you'll get through this" she smiled I smiled back and went to my room.

I collapsed on my bed and just started thinking on how different my future is now.

"What am I going to do" I said to myself.

I picked up my phone and called Jacob, straight to voice mail. I called him again again and again. Leaving him text after text.

For the rest of the day. My mom kept fattening me up getting me ice cream and cookies. I laughed every time she came into my room with something else.

I cried myself to sleep, then tossed and turned thinking about vinny and Jacob. Then cried more.

2 weeks past....

I'm not over him ill never be over him. He's my first love how could I. He blames me for vinny.

Oh Vinny, my baby. I can't believe hes gone.

Tears started streaming down my face.

Jacob hasn't answered my calls. We are really done. It hurts to say that.

I don't know how long it will take for me to realize it.

I haven't been to school, if he's there I wont be able to face him.

Lany's been here too. There for me the whole way. Of course I'm still mourning.

I cant say if I'm doing better then before. I feel the same crappy. But i cant stress over this. Its not good for the baby.

On the good side I'm waiting in the doctors office for my ultrasound. This is my first time I'm so excited this baby is going to be the only piece of Jacob I'll have. And I'm fine with that.

I have to move on. He wants nothing to do with me obviously.

The doctor came I'm and put that cold jelly on my stomach. My dad was with me surprisingly. He was pissed but happy to be a Grandfather

The doctor moved it around and then I saw my baby.

Their my baby was. It was the size of a walnut but still. My baby was beautiful. Its to early to tell what the sex is. I don't even care. I love it more than anything.

"He/She is beautiful" I said. My dad squeezed my hand. I looked up at him and a tear ran down his face.

"Daddy are you crying" I said looking at him.

He wiped off.

"No there was a gust of wind that went into my eyes." he confessed.

"Whatever dad" the doctor wiped the stuff off and told me I was ready to go. The nurse gave me my pictures and we left.

Lany, Amanda and my mom were waiting for us when we got home.

"Let me see let me see let me see" My mom said. I went into my purse and took out the pictures. She snatched them out of my hands. Lany and Amanda looked as well. They all said awe at the same time. I laughed.

"There it is, that laugh" Lany said, everyone looked at me smiling.

"This is a time to celebrate lets go out to dinner all of us" My dad said behind me. We all agreed and me and lany went upstairs to get dressed.

"Dress fancy ladies" Amanda yelled.

After an hour and 30 minutes. We all were ready. I had on white gown that went all the way down to the floor. It went over my neck so it showed my whole back. With some red stiletto's.

My dad had on a full tuxedo he looked great my mom had on a red dress that was strapless and it went just below her knee's.

Lany had on my light blue mini dress. I't was kinda short and some blue heels. Amanda had on a pink long dress simple and elegant.

"We don't have to do this" I told them.

"Yes we do come on" My mom said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the car.

Jacobs POV

Its been the hardest 2 weeks of my life. I have never felt so alone in all my life. I just don't get it one minute I'm happy with my girl and my son, we were happy and now this. I didn't mean to blame Angie for what happened, it wasn't her fault. 

As soon as she left I kept punching wholes in the walls, trying to let out all of my anger on something. I couldn't believe I lost my son, my only kid. I should have never let her around Melissa that was my fault. This would have never happened. 

His funeral was the worst of all, looking at his lifeless body was to much for me to bare. And the worst part was that I didn't even have Angie here to hold me and to tell me that we would get through together. She called me so many times but i couldn't answer, i knew i hurt her and she deserves someone much better than her. I've been trying to let go off my anger by working out but i cant stop thinking about Calvin and what he would say.

I've been sleeping in his room just because its to hard to hard to really say goodbye. I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Come on man wake up" Jason said nudging me. I woke and and grunting moving the empty vodka bottles out of the way.

"You look and smell horrible" He said picking up the bottles in shame.

"I don't ca-re" I said hiccuping with a huge headache rubbing my head and trying to balance my feet.

"Well you should, Calving wouldn't want you to be acting like this and you know that," He said to me and I knew he was right. So i walked up to my room and into the bathroom, looking in the mirror and my beard and my mustache. My eyes looked very red and tired, i did look bad. Immediately i thought of Angie and what she must be thinking of me. She kept calling and texting me. I missed her so much and it was driving me crazy. She kept leaving voice mails that left me crying at times. I would listen to them just to hear her voice. My heart ached knowing that i broke her heart. 

I showered and shaved and met Jason downstairs looking into my refrigerator. There was no point because i never ate only drank. I leaned over the counter shook my head at him.

"It will be alright bro, we just gotta take it on one day at time" He was right, I had to get my life back together for Calvin and  Angie.

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