Chapter 16

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Jacob's POV

I was sitting on my desk waiting for school to start. There was a knock on the door that interrupted me form my paper work. I got excited thinking that it was my girl. When I opened it to my disgust is was Heather, I put on my teacher smile and welcomed her in leaving the door opened. I wasn't giving her any satisfaction of anything happening between us. I went to sit back on my desk and i looked up at her her poops nearly in my face and her seductive smirk. I was not in the mood for this right now but i tried to be nice.

"What's up Heather" I asked smiling at her.

"Well I was wondering if you could help me with some homework.."She started to drag on and on about something and leaning in so that i could see her boobs. I was getting very frustrated but i tried not just as i was thinking about Angie i heard a gasp near the door. I quickly looked and saw Angie with hurt clear in her face. This situation probably looked really bad, but i tried to play it off as if i was concerned for my student instead of my girlfriend.

"Hi Angie-" She didn't let me finish and just ran off. I quickly got up and went after her not bothering to hear anything else Heather had to say. I kept yelling after her but she kept running after her until i saw her run into the gym. I walked in and heard a sob from under the bleachers and ran to her.

"Baby whats wrong-" I said leaning down to her and grabbing her shouldered but she snatched away from me.

"Don't touch me! Go back to big boobed Heather, you seemed like you were having a good time" She spat at me. What i didn't want Heather.

"What are you talking about seriously" I was kind of getting upset how could she think i would ever do that.

"I knew you were to good for me" She said looking up at me her eyes and cheeks puffy and red.

"I knew deep down in my gut that this could be all a game. Did Heather make you do this, sleep with me and pretend you love me. Then tell everyone and make me seem like some poor pathetic loser, was that the plan!" She started yelling at me. I was so confused at her allegations why would she think that.

"What! I would never do that to you and you know that. Why are you acting like this!" I asked because she was worrying me. What did she mean a game.

"Because you played me Jacob. And you obviously seemed unfazed by it. But its my fault I should have known that a guy like you would never go for the poor girl like me." She said.

"Yo- your poor? What do you mean poor? I asked her .

"My family is broke, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment in the scum of California and I sometimes eat once a day or not at all because my family cant afford it. Is that what you wanted to hear! Heather has bullied me for years and so has everyone one else at this stupid school. I've been nothing for so long and once you came along, you made me feel so special and so different. Then i thought maybe this is how life is supposed to be for me." She said breaking down right in front of me. I couldn't take it anymore, it was my turn to talk now.

"Listen to me Angie" I said lifting her head and making her look at me.

"Me falling in love with you has nothing to do with Heather, she's been trying to get to since i got here but i haven't given her the time of day. Your the only girl that i will ever want" I reassured her.

"But why me, I have nothing to offer you and Heather or any other girl here has the looks, the body the clothes. And I'm just me, you out of mt league" she said sighing in frustration.

"You know why i want you, because your eyes tell stories even when your not talking. Your so intrigued when you listen to Calvin talk and he has such a great time talking to you and playing with you. He even wants to call you mom." I said with a chuckle and she smiled.

Addicted To Your Love (Teacher/Student Relationship) MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now