Chapter 30

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Angie's POV

A month has passed and I have gotten bigger. Just a little there's a bump, I swear I stare at it all the time.

But I'm going to school today. I'm really scared though, what if Jacob is there. I don't know what I would do.

We only have 2 months left and finals are coming up. I'm kinda late so we will see the how the day goes.

I drove to school nervous, butterflies having a ball in my stomach.

I walked into school and I see Mrs. O'Brien the principal. She is the coolest. Everyone loves her. She was old though blonde hair, really short. Blue eyes and wrinkles.

I walk up to her smiling.

"Hey Angie I'm glad your back" She said with a smile.

"Hey Mrs. O'Brien yea I'm back ready to work hard again.

"I hope so and one more thing. Mr. Romeo has been on a vacation. His son just passed so he's having a hard time. No one knows when he'll be back" She said to me and walked away.

I don't know if I should be relieved that he isn't hear, or upset and hurt that she brought up Calvin.

I mean I know she didn't know how could she I did something illegal. I'll get over it.

I walked into my history class. Mrs. Kooh my teacher welcome me back.

I went to sit in my regular seat. Heather and here boo boo crew came in and they saw me and smirked. They walked up to me and I really didn't want to deal with it.

"Guess who's back the tailor trash" Heather said and her friends just laughed. I didn't comment back whats the point everything she says is irrelevant.

"Whatever your not even worth laughing at" They ask agreed then they went to sit down for class.

The day went by very slow. Not even Lany could cheer me up. I'm getting over all of this one day at time.

I didn't go my Teachers Assistant period I just went to the library to finish work. Apparently this dumb school actually did work while I was gone.

We got to his class and relief was inside of me but i was still nervous. I don't know why he's not here. I guess it's the memories of the classroom. The closet his desk everything.

My head was in my book, Maniac Magee. It was so good that I didn't realize the teacher had walked in. I heard gasp fill the room.

" Hé les gars, je suis de retour que je t'ai manqué (Hey guys, I'm back did you miss me)" the voice shocked me for a second. I put the book down and looked into the eyes I once loved. Well did love.

"Jacob" I whispered. Then all of a sudden all of my emotion rushed towards me. He looked straight at me and looked away just as quick.

 I grabbed all my things and got up. I walked out of the classroom, once I was out I ran to my car. Got in pulled out and was about to leave when Lany jumped in.

I didn't realize I was crying until Lany grabbed a tissue and wiped them away.

"You want me to drive" She asked.

I nodded my head taking off my seat belt and getting out. I got into the passengers seat then thought of something.

"Wait.... What about your car?" I said.

"I'll get it tomorrow your more important" She said driving off. I cried all the way home. Why did he have to come back. Today out of all day today. I actually thought this week was going to be okay. But now its messed up everything.

We walked into the house and surprisingly everyone was there in the living room. I came in crying so of course everyone questioned me. Lany told them and that's when i just blew up.

"How am I supposed to face him. After he ripped out my heart and spit on it. I want to move on but how can I now that he's here. Its like my future will never be great ever I'm going to die alone". Everyone looked at me knowing I wasn't done with my outburst.

"You know what the worst part is, is that every time I look at him. I'm going to see Calvin, and the reason why he is gone. Then I'm going to blame myself for his death and all the pain that I have caused him. I ruined his life, I'm a horrible person. No wonder he broke up with me" I let it all out everything. Everything that was on my mind was out there.

Jacob's POV

I thought I would never come back to this school. I didn't know what to expect today. How it would turn out.

I haven't even been myself lately. How could I my son is gone. Melissa is gone no one knows were she is. The was the most hardest thing I have ever done.

Who thinks they are going to bury their own son.

I cant even explain the pain I feel and the regret i feel for saying all those things to Angie. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. And i know it wasn't her fault, all of that was just out of anger.

What did I do. She will never forgive me. She must be hating herself now from everything I said to her. The blame the guilt my sons death plus our break up.

I'm a horrible person I should have never done that. I let her go when I needed her the most. She'll never take me back after all I did. I wasn't going to try to get her back anyways. At lease I don't think I will. I still need time, even if she still loves me.

I wanted to end my life after she left. I have nothing to live for. She was my life.

What am I going to do when she see's me? What is she going to do when she see's me.

Is she going to act like nothing ever happened or is she going to ignore me completely finish school go to college, marry have kids with another man.

I don't want to see her move on. Just thinking of another man just touching her arm pisses me off. I cant lie it hurts to look at a future of Angie and I'm not in it. I'm in love with her. I walked into the class and everyone gasp.

" Hé les gars, je suis de retour que je t'ai manqué (Hey guys, I'm back you miss me) I said to my class. I got some faces of confusion of what I just said. Most of the girls were happy and had their flirty smiles on. All the guys were mad.

My eyes scanned the room and fell on the most beautiful girl in the world. Emotions full in her eyes. She grabbed her stuff and headed out the door.

"Angie"I yelled


I had to write another chapter my last one was so short i didnt even realize.

So here you go. A Jacob pov for you.

Lets see what happens now. The books almost over.


P.S Do you want a sequel?????

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