AJ is the adopted daughter of Lori and Rick Grimes. She was raised by an abusive father, she grew up with the Dixon brothers and quickly fell for the younger of the two. When Rick and Lori took her in she had to say goodbye to the Dixon's, but when...
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"okay I can do this" I say trying to give myself SOME confidence. I see a squirrel eating a nut(hehe nut) I take a deep breath aim and......shot. the arrow fly's through the air and....."missed!" I climb down just in time to see the little fucker running away "yea keep running if Daryl was here you wouldn't be so lucky,fucking, cunt ass mother fucker!" I mumble as I pull the arrow from the dead forest floor. A twig snaps behind me I draw my bow and point it at what I expect to be a walker but its...."fucking hell Merle" he puts his hands up "easy sugar lips" I sigh and swing my bow back behind my back "you really shouldn't sneak up behind people" he just spits on the ground and shrugs "whatever" I sigh. when we get back to camp I here "Aj" my little brother Carl yells running up to me "hey little man" I say as I hug him "what did you get?" "well I got a redneck" I say jerking my head to Merle "HEY!" we both laugh "I mean to eat" "oh well I got an owl and two raccoon's,here why don't you go take those to mom" and I hand him the bag "okay" and he runs off. Merle and I go our septet ways, I go to mine/Daryl's tent to change. "Aj" someone yells "what?" "get out here" "guna have to wait" they grumble and the tent up zips "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" I yell "calm down women its me" I sigh as Daryl comes in and zips the tent back up. He smiles when he sees me shirtless I just sigh and look through my bag for my shirt. I stand up only to have it ripped from my hands "really?" I ask as I look at him he just smiles and puts his hands on my waist "come here" he mumbles I giggle and kiss him. My arms rap around his neck the kiss gets hotter, his tongue licks my bottom lip asking for entence (and of corse I give him) my hands snake up his neck and get tangled in his hair, his hands make their way to the small of my back and just as he was about to kiss my neck we here someone yell my name "Aj?" he grumbles I sigh "come on" he whispers "Aj?" I yell back "yea mom?" "I need you to watch Carl" "okay be their in a sec" she walks away. I sigh and move from Daryl's arms, pick up my shirt and walk back over to him and kiss him "Don't worry we'll be finishing this later" he says raping his arms around me I smile "good" we kiss and walk out of the tent.
When I get to the main part of the camp Andrea and Amy smile at me I blush and look away. I sit with Carl and Sophia, she looks at me "why is your face all red?" she asks "Nothing to worry your little head about" I smile they both just shrug "okay lets get some math started" I say they grumble"don't worry I make the questions easy" Carl turns to Sophia "she dose" I laugh. After a wile Shane walks out of the RV and says we need to make a run into town so Glen, Jacqui, T-Dog, Merle and Andrea go. "hey Carl" "yea?" "want to go swimming?" his face lights up "yea!" I smile "hey mom?" he yells "can me and Aj go swimming?" she smiles "okay just be careful" "yes!" and he runs off to then tent.