AJ is the adopted daughter of Lori and Rick Grimes. She was raised by an abusive father, she grew up with the Dixon brothers and quickly fell for the younger of the two. When Rick and Lori took her in she had to say goodbye to the Dixon's, but when...
Mom, Carl and me are sitting in the RV as she cleans my face "ouch" I hiss in pain "OUCH" I say again trying to get her to stop "sorry baby but you need to have this cleaned" I sigh and hang my head, Carl takes my hand "its okay sis, remember when you would hold my hand when ever I got shots?" "yea" I smile "thanks little man." Lori smiles, once she's done she kisses both of us on the forehead "I love you" "we love you too mom" Carl says
After Lori looks at my face I change my clothes
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instead of going back to help with washing clothes I sit at the table and clean my gun. Unfortunately, Shane decides to talk to me, "hows the cheek?" he asks sitting down across from me "fine, thanks" I say not looking up he sighs "see that's what I don't get" I raise an eyebrow at him "you just had a grown man hit you. And you say you're fine, how?" I set my gun down "you know that is none of your goddamn business" he looks at me shocked "I just-" "just what? Thought we would become pals? No, I don't like you, never have. Where I appreciate you helping me, but that doesn't mean I am going to like you" I grab my gun and start to walk away, I stop and walk back to him "oh and I know you and Lori were fucking" this time I smile at his shocked expression "that's right. I know your little secret. So if I were you I would watch my step, or my dad might hear of it" I keep smiling as I walk away.
I'm sitting next to Carol and Lori when Amy and Andrea come walking back into camp with a bunch of fish, Amy hands the fish to Morales while I and Lori start clapping "nice" I smile "thank Dale, it's his canoe and gear" Andrea says "mom, look. Look at all the fish" Carl says Morales puts is close to her and she cringes away "thank you" we all laugh. "where did you two learn to do that?" Lori asks "our dad," Amy says smiling at my brother's reaction "can you teach me how to do that?" Carl asks "sure. I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff" she looks at Lori "if that's okay?" "you won't catch me arguing." I smile and shake my head "hey, dale." Amy says as he walks up to the group "when was the last time you oiled those line reels?" "they are a disgrace" "I, uh- I don't want to alarm anyone, but we may have a bit of a problem." Shane gets up from where he was sitting and walks over to us, Dale points to Jim, he's digging lots of holes on the hill. we all go up the hill to talk to Jim, he doesn't even notice us until Shane talks "hey, Jim" and even then he keeps digging "Jim, why don't you hold up, all right?" "just give me a second here, please." he stops digging "what do you want?" "we're all just a little concerned, that's all" "Dale says you've been out here for hours," Morales says "so?" "so why are you digging?" he doesn't answer "are you heading to China, Jim?" Shane laughs a little "what does it matter? I'm not hurting anyone." "yes, except maybe yourself" Dale sighs "its 100 degrees today. You can't keep this up." "sure I can. Watch me." he goes back to digging Lori steps forward "Jim, they're not going to say it so I will. You're scaring people." Jim stands up "you're scaring my son, my daughter and Carol's daughter" (wait what? ME? the hell?) "They got nothing to be scared of." he looks at all of us, I'm standing next to Carol, she has an arm around Sophie and me, While I have my arms around her and Carl. "I mean, what the hell, people? I'm out here by myself. Why don't you all just go and leave me the hell alone?" again he digs "we think that you need to take a break, okay?" Shane says trying to get him to stop and see reason "why don't you go and get yourself in the shade?" he starts to walk toward him "some food maybe. I'll tell you what, maybe in a little bit I'll come out here. I'll help you myself." nothing "Jim, just tell me what it's about. Why don't you just go ahead and give me that shovel?" "or what?" he asks stooping "there is no or what" Shane shakes his head "I'm asking you. I'm coming to you and I'm asking you, please. I don't want to have to take it from you." "and if I don't, then what?" he takes a few staggered breaths "then you're gonna beat my face in like ED Peletier, aren't you?" Shane sighs and looks at the ground "Y'all seen his face, huh? What's left of it." Jim keeps going "see, now that's what happened when someone crosses you." "that was different, Jim" "you weren't there. ED was out of control. He was hurting his wife and her hurt AJ" Amy tells him "that is their marriage. That is not his" he looks at me "and that is your fault for sticking your nose into other peoples business" I scoff and shake my head, he points back to Shane "he is not judge and jury. Who voted you king boss, huh?" "Jim, I'm not here to argue with you, all right? just give me the shovel, okay?" Shane try's to take it away "no no no." Jim moves the shovel away "just give me the-- Jim" Jim swings the shovel at Shane, but he doges it and tackles Jim to the ground "okay, shh shh." "You got no right!" Jim yells as Shane pins him to the ground. "stop!" "You got no right!" "Jim, just stop it. Hey hey hey hey." Shane has a hold of his legs "don't!" "Jim. Jim, nobody's gonna hurt you. You hear me? shh." Jim how has his face on the ground crying. Shane repeats himself "that's a life. That's the biggest lie there is." Shane handcuffs him and he keeps babbling "I told that to my wife and my two boys. I said it 100 times. It didn't matter. They came out of nowhere there were dozens of 'em" (Oh my god) I cover my mouth with my hand "just pulled 'em right out of my hands." he stares at us all "you know, the only reason I got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family." he closes his eyes and I hug Carl, he hugs me back.
Carl, Carol, Sophia, Lori and I are sitting at the little table, Shane has Jim tied to a tree he and Dale go and talk to him. "sorry if I scared you boy and your daughter" he says looking at Lori, Carl and me, he turns to Carol "and your little girl." "you had sunstroke. Nobody's blaming you." "you're not scared now, are you?" he asks Sophia "No sir," she says looking shyly at Jim. He's quiet for a few minutes before to looks back at us "your mama's right. Sun just cooked my head is all." he talks to Dale a little before looking back at us again "you dad was in it. " he says looking at Carl and me "both of you were too. You were worried about him. Can't remember the rest." we just stair to him "you worried about your dad?" "they're not back yet," Carl says I nod and Lori rubs both of our backs "we don't need to talk about that." "your dad's a police officer, you two. He helps people. Probably just came across some folks needing help, that's all. That man, he is tough as nails. I don't know him well but..." he pauses "I could see it in him." he looks up at Shane "am I right?" "oh yeah" he sighs "there ain't nothing gonna stop him from getting back here to you, your mom and your sister, I promise you that." Lori smiles and turns back to Carl's book, while I glance at Shane who looks almost like he wishes that wasn't true. "all right, who wants to help me clean some fish?" Shane asks walking away "sweet come on, Sophia." Carl and her run after him "stay with Carol, all right?" Lori yells at them, Carol gets up and follows. I just sit there and lay my head on the table as Lori gets up and squats down in front of Jim "you keep your boy and daughter close. You don't ever let them out of your sight." Lori nods and stands up "come on baby," he says to me I sigh but fallow her.
Later that night we are all sitting around the fire eating the fish Amy and Andrea caught "man o man, that's good" "yea thanks you two" Amy smiles "your welcome" "I got to ask you, man. Its been driving me crazy" Morales says to Dale "what?" "what watch." "whats wrong with my watch?" "I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass." "I've wondered that myself," Jacqui says laughing "I'm missing the point," Dale says smiling "unless I've misread the sighs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while." "one big hell of a speed bump" I mumble "but there's you everyday winging that stupid watch." "time- it's important to keep track, isn't it?. The days at least." we all just stare at him "Don't you think, Andrea?" he looks at her "back me up here" she just laughs and drinks her beer. Dale takes a few seconds before he talks again "I like-- I like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said, I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me; I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it." we all smile at him for a while before Amy says "you are so weird" we all laugh "its not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing." "well I liked it, Dale," I say smiling "thank you Aj" after a few minutes, Amy get-ups "where are you going?" Andrea asks "I have to pee," she says whispering "jeez, you try to be discreet around here--" again we laugh. "so Aj"Jacqui says "yes?" "I've been wondering something" "what?" "I've seen your dad now, and your brother and Lori. But you don't look a thing like any of them, why?" "that's because I'm adopted. My real dad... wasn't the father of the year, so when my best friend Amber found out he was beating me, she called the police and I was put up for adoption. That's where Lori and Rick found me." I smile as Lori kisses my head "and we are so glad to have you" the others go quiet until "yea your the best sister ever" Carl says, the other aww and smile. "we're out of toilet paper?" Amy yells/sighs as she walks out of the RV suddenly we hear her screaming, Andrea and I turn around and see her getting bit by a walker, we all scream and start running "mom!" Carl yells "Carl!" she reaches for him "AJ!" and me
"Lori, get them down!" Shane yells shooting at a walkers, I stand up and start doing the same. Jim beats one with a baseball bat (note from writer Negan anyone? lol) Dale is shooting a walker that is going after Carol, she picks up Sophia and runs away crying, "Shane what do we do?" Lori asks him "Shane?" "fallow me!" he yells, its Cadillac there are people being bit and walkers being shot all over, I don't hear Shane when yells for the others to move "AJ!" Lori screams as I walker nocks me down to the ground, I try to push it away from me but it's just too strong, I reach for my knife with one hand and keep the walker's jaw back with the other "AJ!" Shane yells, I can't say anything or I might be distracted. As if queue dad, Glen, T-dog, and Daryl run in with guns blazing "Aj!" dad yells shooting the walker on top of me, Daryl stands me up and I give him a quick nod and continue to shoot with them. Once they are all dead Carol runs to dad and hugs him, I'm their soon after so is Lori, we are all crying as he hugs us. Dad sets Carl down, we look at Amy, Carl cry's hugging dad again, I run to Daryl. He hugs me and kisses my lips mumbling words of comfort, I just bury I head in his chest crying my eyes out as he holds me as tight as he can. "I remember my dream now" Jim says "why I dug the holes"
dam it I forgot how depressing this episode is at the end... so I give you a pic of Norman being a goof ball hope you all enjoy and red the next part :)