AJ is the adopted daughter of Lori and Rick Grimes. She was raised by an abusive father, she grew up with the Dixon brothers and quickly fell for the younger of the two. When Rick and Lori took her in she had to say goodbye to the Dixon's, but when...
Carl and I stand at end of the 'beach' "well what are we waiting for?" Carl yells as he runs into the water I smile and run after him.
The girls are washing clothing while Carl and Aj are swimming. "its good Carl can still have fun even with all that's happened" Carol says, Lori smiles and watches her oldest child laugh and splashes the youngest. "yea"
AJ after we get done swimming I change
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Carl and I get back to camp Dale and Jim are fixing the RV, Amy is pacing, Loris hanging the clothes, Shane is teaching Carl how to tie knots and I am playing with my knife. "they should be back by now" Amy says (keep pacing and you will make a rut) "worrying wont make it better" Dale informers her Lori looks at me "sweetie please don't play with your knife, you might hurt yourself" I sigh "Lori I'm not a child I wont hurt myself" and of course Shane has to butt in "Aj listen to your mom" "who died and made you my father?" he opens his mouth to say something, but shuts it "that's what I though, so." I give him the finger and back to what I was doing. "hello base camp, anybody out their?" T-Dog says over the radio Dale climbs to the top of the RV "hello, Hello reception's bad on this end" "is that them?" Lori asks "We're in some deep shit, we're trapped in the department store" T-Dog tells us that walkers have them surrounded. I walk up to Shane "Shane we have t-" he shakes his head "no way, we do not go after them, we do not risk the rest of the group y'all know that" Amy glares at him "so we're just guna leave her there?" "look Amy, I know that this is not easy-" "SHE VOLUNTEERED TO GO, TO HELP THE REST OF US!" "I know and she knew the risks right? see, if she's trapped , she's gone" I step toward him " Shane!" he just ignores me "so we just have to deal with that. Theirs noting we can do" "SHES MY SISTER YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Amy yells and runs off (poor Amy....) I glare at Shane(asshole) "REALLY SHANE?!" he shakes his head "Aj don't start" "NO I WILL" I yell getting in his face "YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHATS BEST FOR THE GROUP, WELL HERE'S A NEWS FLASH, YOU DON'T IF DAD WAS HERE HE WOULD GO BACK AND HELP THEM!" I say tears threatening to fall. "but he's not Aj" "I KNOW AND INSTEAD WE'RE STUCK WITH AN ASSHOLE LIKE YOU!" with that I storm off to my tent "Aj" Lori yells after me. I sit in my tent holding the necklace dad got me for my first birthday I was adopted "Aj?" Lori says opening the tent "go away" I mumble she sighs and sits next to me "sweetie Shane's trying his best" I cut her off "I don't want Shane to help us , I want dad" I yell Lori hugs me "I know baby, I know" I hug her back and start crying "I miss him mom" "I do too baby" she whispers kissing my head.
Later on Loris brushing Carl's hair "baby the more you fidget the longer it takes, so don't ok?" "I'm trying" "well try harder" I smile and shake my head, as I clean my gun. "if you think this is bad wait till you start shaving, that stings" Shane tells Carl I kunda zone out after that not wanting to here his voice(yep I hate him...always have, always will) "hey sis" "what is it little man?" I ask not looking up "do you know how to catch frogs?" I smile "course I do, I am dating a redneck after all" I here Lori and him laugh(hehe) Then we hear a car alarm going off "Talk to me Dale!" "can't tell yet!" "is that them are they back?" Amy asks(yea don't worry for anyone else bitch) "what is it?" I ask (hoping Merle's okay) "stolen car is my guess" Glenn pulls up "HOLLY CRAP, TURN THAT DAME THING OFF!" Dale yells "I don't know how" Glenn says shaking his head. The others end up yelling, Shane turns the alarm off "yes everyone's okay" (what about-) Glenn looks at me then away "well Merle not so much.." my eyes go wide "WHAT!" I yell "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" everyone looks at me "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MERLE!?" he shakes his head "GLENN TEL-" I get cut off by a truck pulling up and the others get out. Lori grabs mine and Carl's hands "come here baby's" she says walking a ways away one of the others say something about a new guy, so Carl and I look to see how it is (oh my god..) Carl and I run to him "DAD" "DADDY" dad starts crying and picks Carl up, he hugs me as tight as he can. "Carl" he kisses his head "Aj" he kisses my head, mom walks up to dad and hugs him all of us crying. Dad looks at me and Carl and smiles "I knew I would find you" he says kissing us again.
That nigh dad, Carl, Lori, and me are sitting by the fie, dad has an arm around Lori, I am sitting between his legs and Carl's sitting on my lap. "Disoriented, I guess that comes closest fear, confusion- all those things but... disoriented comes closest." days says kissing mine and Carl's heads again. "words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short" Dale says (yep you got that right) "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put some ware else. For a wile I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever." Carl looks up at dad"mom said you died" dad looks at Lori and back at Carl and I "she had every reason to believe that. Don't you ever doubt it" Lori tells dad how they were going to transfer him to a hospital in Atlanta and Shane says how he got us out. Dad says he grateful to him for that( if you only knew dad) Ed puts a long on his fire and Shane being the ass that his is has to pick a fight about it (I miss Daryl) I think looking towards the woods. "have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon, he wont be happy to hear his brother was left behind" T-Dog answers "I'll tell him. I dropped the key. It's on me" Dad shakes his head "I cuffed him. That makes it mine" "guys, its not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy" Glenn says. the others discuses it for a bit until I cut in "look if anyone's going to tell him it should be me" I pause "I mean I am close to him and Merle he wont be AS upset" Dale nods "she's right" I know dads giving me a puzzled look... That night after the fires are out I make my way to 'my' tent "Aj" dad yells after me, I stop and turn "yea dad?" "back their, how do you know Daryl or his brother?" (should I tell him the truth) "Aj?" "Daryl's...just a friend dad" he narrows his eyes "all right" he hugs me "I'm so relived I found you all" I hug him back "I knew you weren't dead, I knew Shane was lying" dad sighs "you never did like him did you?" I pull back and smile "nope" dad smiles "night dad" I say walking away "night kido"