Tell it to the frogs

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The next Moring I get up and help Carol with laundry "Moring" dad says hugging me"Moring dad""Moring" Carol says "their still a little damp, the sun will have 'em dry in no time" she says patting dads shirt"you washed my clothes?""well best we cou...

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The next Moring I get up and help Carol with laundry "Moring" dad says hugging me
"Moring dad"
"Moring" Carol says "their still a little damp, the sun will have 'em dry in no time" she says patting dads shirt
"you washed my clothes?"
"well best we could" she pauses and looks at me" scrubbing on a washboard, Ain't half as good as my old Maytag back home."
"that's vary kind thank you" Carol nods and dad walks away. Carol turns to me
"dose he know about you and Daryl?"
"no, no way" I say looking at dad, the guys are striping the car for parts "he would kill me" she smiles.
Then Shane drives up(wow someone's pissed)
"waters here y'all, just rember to boil before use"
Just then we here screams "MOM!"
"CARL!" Lori yells running toward where its coming from fallowed by dad, I am about to as well until dad turns to me "stay here"
"but dad-"
"don't argue Aj!"
I sigh and sit down(grrr)

After a wile "DARYL!" I yell running to him hugging him, he smiles drops his crossbow and picks me up "hey beautiful" he says kissing me (oh my god!) he sets me down "where's Merle?"
(shit) he walks away "Merle get your ugly ass out here!"
dad walks up and gives me the 'we'll talk later look'(shit.. again) "Daryl" Shane says "just slow up a bit"(wow Shane you talk good) "I need to talk to you"
"about what?"
"about Merle, their was a--- their was a problem in Atlanta" Daryl looks at everyone
"he dead?"
"we're not sure"
"he either is or he aint!"(fuck)
dads about to say something when I speak up "Daryl" he looks at me then at dad
"who's he?"
"Rick Grimes"
"Rick Grimes. you got something you want to tell me?"
"your bother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him to a roof, hooked to a piece of metal, he's still their" Daryl rubs his eyes
"hold on. let me process this. your saying you handcuffed my bother to a roof and you left him their?!" he yells
"yea" dad says. I look at Daryl(oh man...) he throws his squirrels at dad(side note I laugh at this part so much) Shane pushes him down, Daryl gets up and gets out his knife(no!) I run in front of dad, everyone looks at me like I am crazy "get out of the way Aj" Daryl says
I shake my head "no, I wont let you hurt my dad"
he narrows his eyes "fine" he then goes around me. Shane pushes me back to Lori, she puts an arm around me, Shane puts Daryl in a choke hold, "BEST LET ME GO!"
"nah, I think its better if I don't" Shane wrestle Daryl to the ground
"choke holdings illegal"(hehe I love that part)
dad kneels in front of Daryl "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic you think we can do that?" Shane throws Daryl to the ground. I hate seeing him like this...
"What I did was now on a whim. Your brother dose not work and play well with others"
T-Dog cuts in "its not Ricks fault I had the key, I dropped it"
"you couldn't pick it up?"
"well I dropped it in a drain" Daryl stands up
"If that's supposed to make me feel better, it don't" he says walking toward T-Dog.
he tells Daryl that he chained the door so walkers didn't get to him.
"hell with all ya'll just tell me where he is"
"he'll tell you wont you dad?" I say
"I'm going back" dad says, he goes into the RV and  Lori fallows him the others goes back to what they were doing.
I walk up to Daryl "you okay?" I ask putting a hand on his solder, he looks at me
"didn't tell me he was your dad!" I sigh
"how was I suppose to tell you he got here yesterday" I pause "I thought he was dead"

Daryl sighs and takes my hand "sorry babe" he whispers I smile
"its ok and don't worry we're going to find Merle" he shakes his head
"we?, Aj your not going"
"the fuck I'm not" I yell
"Aj" dad says walking up to us "he's right, your staying here"
"that's not fair, I know how to protect myself, I'm not a child"
dad sighs "I know" he walks up to me "but I just found you, I'm not going to risk losing you again"
I sigh and Sophie comes up to me "come on Aj we can draw" I nod and fallow her,Daryl caches my wrist "don't worry, okay?"
"you better come back to me" I say hugging Daryl and kissing him, not caring if dads right their.
"I love you dad" I say hugging him
"I love you too baby girl" he say hugging back "we'll come back, all of us"
I nod "I'll hold you too that"
I stand their holding Carl's hand as we watch Glen, T-Dog, Dad and Daryl drive back to the city in the moving van.

Carl and I are laying in his, Loir's and dads tent, when Lori comes in "hey" she says sitting next to us "you know, I bet they'll be just fine."
"we're not worried" Carl says
"are you?" I ask
"yea, a little."
"don't be" I nod
"think about it, Lori. Everything that's happened to him so far, nothings killed him yet." I say, she laughs and holds our hands.

I'm sitting with Carol and Amy watching Carl and Shane catch frogs, Shane pretends to fall in the water and acts like frogs are going towards Carl. I don't like Shane but he is good with my little brother I'll give him that. "I'm beginning to question the division of labor here" Jacqui says "can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?"
"the world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" Amy asks
Carol looks behind us at ED watching us "its just the way it is"
"well its bullshit" I sigh as we continue to wash clothing.
"I miss my Maytag" Carol sighs
"I miss my Benz, my Sat WAV" Andrea says
Jacqui sighs "I miss my coffeemaker, with that dual drip filter. And the built in grinder, honey"
"I miss my computer....texting" I nod in agreement with Amy and say
"I miss my iPod"
Andrea then adds "I miss my vibrater"
"oh my god" Amy laughs
"me too" Carol says. We all start laughing,
"what's so funny?" ED asks walking up behind us.
"just swapping war stories, ED" Andrea tells him. We go back to washing, he walks up behind us
"problem ED?" I ask
"nothin' that concerns you." (ass) "and you aught to focus on you work. This ain't no comedy club" I scoff.
He's still behind us so I get up "Ed, Tell you what, you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and to it yourself." I throw the shirt at him "here" he throws/ tosses it back at me
"Ain't my job, missy"
"Aj don't" Andrea says getting up
"what is you job, ED? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?"
"well, it Shure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart mouth redneck bitch. Tell you what" the turns to Carol "come on."
I shake my head  and place a hand her shoulder "I think she just fine here"
"and I say its none of your business"
I turn to Carol "no, you don't have to"
"Aj, please. It doesn't matter"
"hey" Ed says to me "don't think I wont knock you on your little redneck ass" I scoff. Ed tells Carol to move or she will regret it latter Jacqui says "so she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed?" he laughs "yeah, we've seen them"
"you don't want to keep prodding the bull here, ok?"
"what bull Ed? All I see is a sad patithic man she so insecure with himself he was to beat his wife to feel good about himself"
"you fucking bitch!" he slaps me and grabs me, the others start yelling and trying to get me free. Shane runs over to us pulls Ed away from us, pushes him to the ground and starts to punch him, after a wile they start to yell for him to stop "Shane stop!" Carol yells
"SHANE!" Amy screams
"you ever touch your wife, kid or anyone else in this camp especially Aj, I will not stop next time. Do you here me?"
"yes" he slurs
"I will beat you to death" he punches him one more time and kicks him. Carol runs to Ed "are you okay Aj?" he asks me I nod
"I've had worse than this done to me before" he sighs
"come on, lets get that looked at" he puts a hand on my arm, and my vision is still a little blurry so I cant really say I didn't appreciate it.

"oh my god" Lori says running up to us "baby what happened?"
"ED" I say, she gently places a hand on my face to look at it, I hiss in pain
"sorry" she whispers
"its ok, he just got all butt hurt because I called him out on his fucking attitude" she give me a slight glare "language missy"
"sorry.." she sighs
"come on hon lets get you looked at" she takes me by the hand and leads to the RV.

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