Chapter 7

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{ Naomi pov}

It's been hell between my Bestfriend and brother but it been heaven between me &  Jordan he treat me like a queen but yet he still hurt me sometimes  like I'm one of his hoes or something. Ever since London and King had that fight I haven't seen or heard from her. I called her mom Tracy and her mom said "she got her own place now but she don't want us to know where she stay. We haven't seen her since the last day when she was moving her stuff out of here. If I hear from her I'll let you know something". After that talk with Tracy I knew something wasn't right cause that's not her to just up and run away from not only her Bestfriend but her family. W.e(whatever) King did or said to her he must of messed up real bad to the point she want even talk to her family. And something not right about King either. He won't come around nomore. Jordon say that King don't say nothing at the trap he just go chill, roll a blunt and get his money and leave but he never say nothing. I tried texting London but I never got a text back I called her a few time but she never answers & sometimes it go straight to voice mail. This thing is getting under my skin cause I miss my Bestfriend like crazy. And I miss my older brother cause he use to always call and text me just to make sure I'm ok. Ughh I'm starting to hate my life right now. I don't feel like doing any thing.  So I'm just lay in bed like I been doing for the past week. I only time I leave the bed is to take a shower,take my birth control, or use the bathroom. I haven't ate anything in a whole week I'm hungry but yet I'm not hungry at the same time.

Jordan pov  { trap house }
When I pull up to the trap I seen kings car in the yard. I'm try to talk to him and see what went down between him and my sister. I miss her no lie. I wasn't gone smoke today cause I was gone go see my mama I don't want her to smell smoke on me. I took the keys out and got out the car and walked in the house. It was the same like always. People in the kitchen doing weed baggies. Strippers in the living room throwing they ass every where and going up and down the strip pole. Upstairs trell and the rest of the boys counting money. I sat across from King as he just looked around like he was lost and never saw this place. "You ight?" I asked him knowing he wasn't. " he looked at me for like 2 minutes then said "nah man"."you want to talk about it?" I asked him knowing he probably don't. " nah I'm good" he said getting up and walking out the front door. Damn what's wrong with him I said to myself. Went upstairs to tell trell I was going to get wifey then we rolling out to see moms. After that I rolled to me and Naomi's apartment. I swear this girl depressed or something she say she fine but she not, She know she can't fool me.when I got her out of bed we went to mamas house.

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