The Diary of the Devil [6]

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A'IGHT, GUYS. So, last chapter I got a comment from @cross1221 saying she wanted to give Greyson a hug. And then @alipurple said she wanted to marry him? yeah, so... um, here's a hug to @cross1221 from Greyson, I guess. Gosh, this is so weird. And sorry, @alipurple, but Greyson is too young to be getting married. He'll blow you a kiss though. Mwah. :D XD Hope you guys are happy! 





I dedicated this chapter to ATransparentSecret because she was the first one to comment on chapter 5. Well, krissy26 was, but I already dedicated a chapter to her. So if you guys want a dedication, BE THE FIRST TO COMMENT! That goes for all my other stories too. And I give shoutouts to the second, third, and fourth person who comments. So, three shoutouts, one dedication.

And if any of you guys want hugs from Greyson, you can ask, but it's kinda awkward for me to say that. XD. I mean, if you want him to say something to you... I don't know. I guess I could risk looking kinda stupid for some crazy fans. :D Oh, gosh if my sister reads this she's gonna laugh in my face. 

Anyway, you crazy people, enjoy chapter 6. :D


In the morning, I wrapped gauze around my lower abdomen. I shredded the bloody pants and tossed them into my neighbor's trash can. If my mom saw them, she's want an explanation. And I wasn't ready to give one. I made sure to take out every single piece of jewelry in my face and I didn't wear any necklaces today. 

I sat down to breakfast without checking my reflection. I knew I looked horrible. My eyes kept drooping shut, and my head almost fell into my cereal. Dad looked at me over the top of his newspaper. 

"You okay there, sport?" he asked concernedly.

I nodded quickly, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah, I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

Mom walked into the kitchen with a small bag in her hands. "I'm telling you, Jason. We shouldn't have given him that laptop. I'll bet he's staying up all night every night watching internet porn."

My face burned red. "I don't watch porn," I mumbled angrily through gritted teeth.

"Sure you do," Mom countered. "You're a growing teenage boy. Just don't go on the sites that give the computers viruses."

"I don't watch porn, Mom."

"Then what about that one time when your friends were here and I walked in on you guys watching that DVD-"

"It wasn't mine, it was Ave's. And you walked in before we even started it." I picked up my bowl and put it in the sink.

"Greyson," Mom said, pointing to the bowl. "Finish it."

"Mom, I'm gonna be late!" I whined, stamping my foot. "I'll eat it after school and get salmonella poisoning. I gotta go." I picked up my bag and started to the front door.

"Oh, hold on, Greyson," she called after me. "Here, I got you that necklace you wanted." She held out the small package she was carrying before to me. Curiously, I opened it.

"What is it?" I asked. I pulled out a spike collar that I had been wanting for a long time, but it was always too expensive for me to buy on my own. I looked at it longingly. I wanted to wear it so bad. But I didn't want another one of last night's episodes repeating itself today in school. My stomach lurched just thinking about it.

"Happy Birthday!" she cheered. I sighed. I forgot my own birthday...

"Wow, Mom," I started. "I don't know what to say. I forgot today was my birthday."

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