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I was writing the chapter, more like typing when my phone shut down from lack of energy, Heck i hadn't even saved yet!!!! So i ended up typing the chapter, a long almost finished chapter, again.

Oh well enjoy

Disclaimer: KHR is not mine


The tenth generation was in their room resting and bickering with others when a certain hitman announced

"We are going to England tomorrow" There he goes again, said that so casually as if it was the most normal thing among the most normal things. Grunts and complaints were heard but mostly came from a certain brunette "Again??! Are we traveling around Europe or something?!!"

"No we are not traveling around Europe, we are going to England tomorrow because the murdering cases are mostly there. And stop complaining Dame-Tsuna, that's not what a Mafia boss should do" Reborn  said in threatening voice but his face held great amusement upon seeing the soon-to-be boss along with his guardians preparing things in haste, except for a prefect and a pineapple-head as they had disappeared to who-know-where since the meeting ended.

~Time skip~


'Luckiky, Reborn has forced some basic English in my brain a few weeks ago' thought a brunette while walking along the busy street, on his head was a baby with a fedora, a smirk presented on his face How the hell could a baby smirk!!!. Trailing after the two was a group of 7 people, 6 boys and 1 girl who were arguing silently with each other. They stopped in front of a 5 stars  hotel with the name 'Vongola hotel' which they just stared in awe but soon snapped out and went inside. The group slowly approached the reception desk and asked for the most expensive rooms, the kid on the brunette's head was the one talking to the receptionist much to bystanders' surprise but they just shrugged it off, thinking it probably some genius baby but they were deadly wrong, under that innocent cover was the greatest hitman in the world who loves to tortu- i means tutor his students. After being given the keys, they quickly went to their respective room to unpack their luggage then gathered at the young boss's room.

Every guardian was now in the young Decimo's room, the Cloud was also present but stood far away from the group. There was an awkward silence when the brunette decided to speak first "Uhm...now what?" The infant hitman, who was no longer in the brunette's head, seem unpleased with the question as he flipped him in the forehead "Hieeeeeeee" the brunette painfully rubbed the red spot on his forehead while whinning.

"Stop asking an all too obvious question, of course we will go and track down the Estraneo famiglia"

"But how can we find them without having a clue of their whereabout-" Tsuna tried to reason, hoping his guardians would be on his side, he didn't want to be involve in this mafia mess anymore, he didn't want to endanger his friends, come to think of it, they were all his friends, maybe they would agree with him-

"Don't worry Juudaime, i have all the information we need!!"

"Haha This game sounds fun Tsuna, we should joy it"


"Gyahahaha, Lambo-san will have good reputation by defeating the bad guys"

"Kufufufufu i can't wait to torture them"

"I agree with Mukuro-sama Boss"

"Hn. I will get to find some strong opponents"

And our poor Tuna-fish's hope had been crashed into dust, as if Reborn had been reading his mind, he smirked

"I told you before Dame-Tsuna, there is no way you can turn back now"

Tsuna's POV

I should have known in the first place that Reborn was too sadistic to let me out of this mess, now we are in danger again thanks to him. Wait, is he reading my mind or something cause i can see him approach me and "Ouch!! Why you kicked me Reborn??!"

"Mama said thinking bad of people is not good~" he said innocently. Yep, he is absolutely reading my mind and what with the innocent face?? Anyway, Gokudera-kun is finding information about the location of Estraneo famiglia's hideout on his laptop, i can see the word loading.......

"Found it!!" He exclaimed happily as the word loading on the screen disappeared and a website full of information appeared. Everyone gathered around the laptop except for Hibari-san because he really hates crowded place. I blinked in confusion, it's just me or Hibari-san is getting further and further from the group. Oh well i'd better be back to bussiness before Reborn hits me....again.

I slowly crawled up near the laptop to see Reborn widen his eyes. The Reborn!! Widen his eyes!! Is this world going to be destroyed by Byakuran again or something!! No no this is not what i suppose to think, should i take a picture to blackmail him, others seem to not notice cause they are very surprise too, or should i.....AHHHH I AM BECOMING SADISTIC!!! No wait wait, Reborn is glaring at me, but i was still curious to know what made Reborn to be surprise like that. I turned my attention to the screen and quickly, the words caught my eyes

'Hideout: The Cursed City' (A/N: This is just a random city i create in my imagination, it locates in England anyway )

'The Cursed City, isn't that the city with the incident happened 10 years ago" I thought to myself, now i know why they are surprise.

"What's The Cursed City Baka-Tsuna??" Lambo who was next to me asked childistly

'Ahh Lambo haven't known yet, he's still a kid anyway' "That's a city which is abandoned cause of some incidents 10 years ago" i explained, though i knew he will probably forget about it anyway.

"As expected of Juudaime, very knowledgeable!!" Exclaimed Gokudera-kun with sparkles in his eyes, i swear i can see puppy dog ears and tail on him.

"Eh..eh that was on the news!!" I can see it on the television almost every day actually.

"Do you know what that said incident is Dame-Tsuna?" Asked Reborn

"N...no, they didn't mention that, they just said many people in that city had died and the city itself was completely destroyed" well that's the truth, i can't know more about it since i was 5 years old that time.

"Then you still need to learn more Dame-Tsuna, this incident is very well-known among the mafia"

"What's it Reborn-san?"

"Haha, mind telling us kid"


"You have to tell Lambo-san everything!!"

"Kufufufu, i would like to know more about it since it interests me"


"Alright, i will tell you guys as it's very important"

While Reborn was explaining, my intuition went off 'something bad is going on'


That's the end of the chapter

Hope it doesn't too bad

ciao~ see you in next chapter♡♡

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