The Cursed City

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School!! Homework!! Hell!!

I have been through a lot to be able to continue this story


Disclaimer: i do not own khr


"Alright, i will tell you guys since it's important" gulped

"And don't interrupt me while i'm speaking" gulped + sweatdropped

"It's said that ten years ago, an incident happened in one of the cities in England result in the death of many people and serious damage of said city, the incident is believed to not be able to be caused by any human beings or technologies related, it was like some kind of unusual natural disaster." Reborn explained, before any questions were thrown at him, he said

"And no, it's not a flood or an earthquake, it was a lightning bolt, a black lightning bolt"

"How can a lightning bolt be black?! And how it even destroyed a whole city?!" Tsuna, a brave figure, exclaim his wonder.

"Did i warn you to not interrupt me when i'm speaking" that was absolutely a statement, he doesn't want to be interrupted, The Reborn doesn't like being interrupted but he will let his student pass for now, seeing him (Tsuna) shivered in fear and sweated bullet is quite enough for a punishment

"But there are still many doubts about that lightning bolt being a natural disaster, lightning isn't usually black ya know, and a bolt big enough to destroy a city!!, that's just merely insane, but again in the mafia world, nothing is impossible" everyone nodded, they totally agreed with that, having flames inside body is certainly not normal. Seeing the tenth generation were paying well attention, the baby hitman continued

"Because of that, many scientists in the underground world had tried to study about the incident and finally had come to conclusion, the lightning bolt didn't come from the sky but mostly came from a lab beneath it and coincidence or not, that lab belonged to Estraneo famiglia" the story finished with all 8 figures except for Reborn widened their eyes, even the demon prefect couldn't hide his surprise and the pineapple?, anyone could feel his killing intent leaking out from his body as well as his creepy smile, probably from the increasing hatred toward the cruel family, other guardians and Tsuna himself was feeling the same thing 'that Estraneo family!! Experimenting on children wasn't enough!! they killed many innocent people and destroyed a city just because of some stupid experiments!! How could they?!! Are they even human?!!'

"Reborn" said a certain brunette with his eyes shadowed behind his bang.


The brunette slowly raised his head, his honey chocolate eyes burned with determination "I swear i will find the Estraneo and defeat them, to stop their ruthless experiments on innocent people and protect my family" he turned to his friends, they too were nodding with approvement

"Defeat those bastards Juudaime, and i as Juudaime's right-hand-man shall always by your side

"That makes me the left-hand-man Tsuna, and i too will never left your side"


"Gyahahaha, Baka-Tsuna no need to worry cause Lambo-san will protect Baka-Tsuna!!"

"Kufufufufu it seems we're on the same boat this time"

"I'll try my best Boss"


"Minna..." Tsuna smiled warmly, not noticing a certain hitman was smiling slightly, just  slightly, although he didn't want to admit, he kinda felt proud of his student

"You're becoming a good boss Dame-Tsuna..."

-Time skip-

-The Cursed City-

Gokudera's POV

When i heard the name 'The Cursed City', i thought it was called like that because it was full of UMAs. What could be more awesome than that!! Anyway when i arrived at the city along with Juudaime, Reborn-san and others, i saw something unexpected. The city's condition was much worse than i thought, i knew the others thought so too cause i could see their gaping faces. The sight before me looked like hell. Trees were all burnt to ashes, buildings collapsed, smoked land, animals were no where to be seen. I could even smell explosive. Heck!! How the hell a mere lightning bolt did this!! A bunch of unanswered questions ran through my head, this is unbelievable!! But how can i deny such a reality when it was right in front of my own eyes!!

"Haha is this the right place kid?" I heard the baseball-freak said, damn how could he still laugh in this situation!! And how dared he suspect Reborn-san!!

"Baseball-freak stop laughing!! Can't you see we are in a very serious situation!!" I voice my thought

"This is the definitely the right place, we'd better get inside" Reborn-san said as he hopped on Juudaime head and we walked inside the city.

-Mysterious man's POV-

The trio walked and obsered their surrounding carefully, in case the land surface may explode out of the blue. They walked and walked and walked, hoping to find at least a trace leading them to their target. After walking for what? 2 hours?!!, they felt exhausted especially Tsuna who immediately fell face flat on the ground as soon as they found a safer place to rest.

"Ahhh i can't walk anymore...." he groaned in tiredness

"Are you ok Juudaime?" The self-proclaimed right hand man asked in concern, the brunette just nod, too tired to even say a word. To add to his exhaustion, Lambo jumped off from Chrome's arm and landed beside the brunette, laughing his usual laugh

"Gyahahahaha Dame-Tsuna is so weak!! Lambo-san hasn't even broken a sweat!!"

"Easy for you to say Lambo, you were in Chrome's arm the whole time!"

"You stupid cow!! how dare you insult Juudaime!!! i will blow your head down!!" and there they goes, the all too familiar sight in which a bomber chasing a cow, a laughing baseball freak, an encouraging boxer, a kufufufu-ing pineapple, another silent pineapple and a bite-you-to-death prefect. Sometimes Tsuna wondered how can his friends be so energetic, they can be fooling around after hours of walking while Tsuna himself is on the verge of dying in exhaustion. 'Poor me, ahh they're so noisy i can't relax........Wait!! Something is missing!!" You're right Tsuna cause usually you will be kicked in the head or whacked by a 10 tons leon hammer when you complain or whine but this time, nothing!! Confused, the brunette turned his head to see the said hitman being sunk in thoughts, his eyes shadowed by his fedora, Tsuna stared at the baby, stared and stared, until the baby noticed him and shot bullets at him which he fortunately was able to dodge. While complaining about how dangerous it could be, the young Decimo heard a yell of an afro hair cow "Guypaaaa!!"
He quickly got up and approached the sniffing Lambo who fell flat on the ground while running from Gokudera
"To...le...rate-OAAAAAA CAN'T!!" The cow baby pulled out a pink bazooka from his hair and before he could fire at himself, a creaky sound was heard from beneath them




Finished!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!

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