Trip to Italy

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The 2nd chapter, fewww

So this chapter will be about out little Tuna-fish being in the huge mansion of the Vongola and with all the guardians of course. It may contain a little OCCness, just maybe.

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR

Please enjoy♡♡♡


After convincing his Mist guardian and Cloud guardian to go with him, although it costed him some scratchs here and there. The soon-to-be-Vongola Decimo finally arrived in Italy or rather Vongola Mansion in Sicily. Standing in front of the palace-like mansion, all the brunette and the guardians could do it's gaping like a fish


"As expected of Vongola mansion Juudaime!!"

"Haha this place is big"


"Gyahahahahaha this place is the best place for Lambo-san"


"Kufufufufu~ this mansion will be mine when i possess Sawada Tsunayoshi's body"


There they could see a long line of butlers and maids bowing in front of them. One of the butler approached them and bowed respectedly "Welcome to the Vongola mansion, Vongola Decimo."


"Stop gaping Dame-Tsuna, a boss is supposed to be cool and calm, not gaping like a fish."

"But Reborn, this place is way too huge!!!" The soon-to-be boss said in disbelieving voice "and i've already told you i'm not gonna be a mafia boss-" he immediately shut up when he saw a leon gun pointed at him "shut up and get in" "h...hai"

The head butler guided them to a room with double oak door with a golden Vongola crest on it. "Please come in, Nono is waiting inside" the double door opened revealed a smiling old man with 6 figures all sitting around a huge table.

"Welcome Tsunayoshi-kun and guardians" the old man said with a warm smile.

"Granpa!!" Tsuna cried out but when he realized the stares 6 other figures was giving him, he blushed in embarrassment.

"It's okay, in fact, i'd be very happy if you call me that" Tsuna just nodded "now what're you guy doing standing there, come here and take a seat"

When the trio finished settling down their seats, Nono gestured to the head butler to retreat with Lambo since he's still a kid, and spoke, his face became serious "As you all know, i called you, the tenth generation of Vongola all the way from Japan to come here because of something very important that we need you to help". They gulped inwardly "I believe that Reborn has already informed about the strange murders happened all around the world, especially it happened a lot in Italy much to my dismay" "so you means this involved the mafia" Tsuna asked, shaking hard. "Yes, Tsunayoshi-kun, and i want you and your guardians to capture the culprit behind these cases" as soon as Nono finished his words, a loud THUMP was heard followed by shouts of worry.


The guardians immediately ran to the unconcious brunette on the floor except for a certain pineapple-head and a skylark of course.

"That useless student, he fainted from fright" Reborn clicked his tongue, probably annoyed while Nono just merely laughed "that's Tsunayoshi-kun for you, now Sebastian prepare a bed for Tsunayoshi-kun to rest please" he called out the headbutler but a tiny hand stopped him before he could approached Tsuna "just let him be Nono, that's the punishment for fainting from a mere murder like that"

"Hah if you say so Reborn" The Ninth sweatdropped
"Nono, we don't have much time, just continue the meeting and we will explain everything to Decimo later" Nono's storm guardian who is known as Coyote Norgat (is that his name, i don't remember) interrupted with a stern voice.

"Right, hope Tsunayoshi-kun is okay on the floor" "Now, back to bussiness, any questions?" The bomber raised his hand while sitting beside his beloved Juudaime, when the Ninth gestured him to continue, he asked "Do you mind my asking why this case is called a phenomena, constant murders are not that rare, especially in the underworld"

"Ah, that, i forgot to mention, on the victims' body had many wounds and scratches that certainly can not be caused by human, those scratches, they were like caused by wild animals, giant animals"

"It's an UMA!!!" Gokudera concluded in excitement.

"Maa Gokudera, that's probably some tigers that had escaped from the zoo" Yamamoto said while grinning, trying to be optimistic.

"Baseball-freak, that's absolutely an UMA!!!"


"Kufufufu~ turf-top, you are too loud"


"Hn for being noisy, i will bite you all to death" And the guardians began fighting each other until they heard a 'click' from none other than a certain hitman baby.

"You all shut the fuck up and stop fighting if you don't want a bullet directly to your head and i'm serious" Reborn threatened in a low voice that make everyone in the room shivered. All the guardians stunned, sat still, didn't dare to move an inch for fear of being shot in the head. An awkward silence engulfed the whole room "Ehem!!" The silence was soon broken by the ninth boss " i too would like to help you guy but me and my guardians are too busy dealing with many other important problems with other bosses so..."

"Don't worry Nono, Tsuna and his guardians will be very glad to help you with it, just consider it as a training to become a great boss in the future" Reborn put on a sadistic smirk while pulling his fedora down to cover his eyes. The others just sweatdropped 'this is not going to be good' they all thought.

"Urgh..." a groan was heard from a certain brunette that was unconcious the whole time. He slowly sat up, eyes looking at every figures in the room then he realized how silent the room was compared with the time before he passed out. Tilting his head, a big question mark magically appeared beside his head " Ahh...what did i miss?"


So how is it? Is it good? Or bad?

Anyway, please comment and vote for me, i will need that

Ciao~see you in the next chapter☆☆

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