Just an ordinary day

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So, hey! This is my first story so if there are any mistakes in grammar or other stuff, please comment

Disclaimer: I don't own khr

It has just been a few weeks after the curse battle so Reborn is still in baby form.




-Sawada resident-

Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo, Neo Vongola Primo, Guardian of the Sky, was currently sleeping peacefully on the comfortable bed of his. Suddenly, the door to his room bursted open, revealed an infant with black spiky hair and curly sideburns, he was wearing a black suit and a fedora with a chameleon on top. At first glance, normal people would think that was just a cute baby going to wake his dear brother up but no, he's the greatest hitman in the whole world and is infamous by the name Reborn, he's also one of the ex-arcobalenos, the seven strongest babies. With a smirk, Reborn hopped on the brunette's bed, the chameleon quickly turned into a green 10t hammer on his hand and WHACK!!

"Hieeeeeeeeee!!! What did you do that for Reborn?!!" A loud shriek was heard throughout the house.

"Dame-Tsuna, don't you dare shout at me."

"So...sorry" Tsuna stuttered when he saw the scary look on Reborn's face. Then his eyes landed on the clock near his bed and immediately panicked when he realized the time.

"Hieeeeeeeeeee!! It's already 7:50!! Hibari-san is gonna bite me to death!!!" Tsuna dashed in the bathroom, did the washing up and wore his uniform in record time and ran downstairs not without tripping on his own two feets and fell face first....again.

"Ara ohayo Tsu-kun!" Greeted his mother, Nana with a warm smile.

"O...ohayo kaa-san" he stood up, rubbing his face when a child....or a cow with afro hair appeared out of no where.

"Gyahahahaha!! Dame-Tsuna tripped again!! Baka-Tsuna!!!"

"Lambo, don't be rude to Tsuna-san" Came a Chinese little girl who kicked the cow child in the face. 'Ah, just like usual' Tsuna thought.

"Kaa-san, where is Bianchi and Fuuta? They haven't woken up yet?"

"Bianchi has gone finding new ingredients for her poision cooking and Fuuta is currently in Italy" Reborn said while hopping out from who-know-where. "You'd better get going Dame-Tsuna if you don't want to be bitten to death"

"Hieeeeeeeee!! I'm late!!!" Tsuna grapped a toast on the table and dashed out the door "Bye kaa-san"

"Have a nice trip"

He ran to the gate and saw that his two best friends was already waiting for him. Upon seeing him, one of the two who has silver hair and green eyes immediately bow in perfect 90 degree. "Ohayo Juudaime!!"

"Yo Tsuna" said the taller one who has spiky black hair and brown eyes, a wide grin stretched on his face.

"Ohayo, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto." And so, the three teens began to speed up for fear of being bitten to death by a certain skylark.


"Hah, we made it in time" The trio had finally arrived at Namimori Middle school with exactly 1 second to spare. Tsuna panted, barely able to stand while Gokudera and Yamamoto was just sweating a bit. A cold voice came surprising the three.

"Herbivores, go to class before i bite you to death." That voice belongs to none other than the infamous Hibari Kyoya - The demon prefect of Namimori Middle. He was wearing his usual attire with tonfas in hands, readied to bite some disobedient herbivores to death.

"H....hai!!! Hi....hibari-san!!" The brunette immediately stood up, grapped the scolding silverhead and the grinning baseball-freak and ran for dear life.

<Time skip>

Lunch time

The trio was currently eating at the roof top, their usual spot with the addition of a guy with spiky white hair known as Sasagawa Ryohei when a hitman baby hopped out from some random places and landed directly on the brunette's head.



"Yo, kid!"


"EXTREME!! MASTER PAO PAO" Greeted the trio.

"What're you doing here Reborn?" Tsuna asked nervously, his intuition had been acting up all the morning and when he saw the smirk on Reborn's face, he knew that this Spartan from hell was up to something, something bad.

"Park your things, you guy along with other guardians are going to Italy tomorrow." Reborn said casually as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"What?!!" They shouted in surprise. "Y...you are kidding right?" Tsuna said unsure. Reborn smirked again, a hint of amusement in his beady eyes, probably due to the fun of ticking off his dame student. "Do i look like i'm kidding!" That was surely a statement.

"Hieeeeee!! I don't wanna go!!" The brunette let out a girly shriek and readied to run when a small yet powerful foot made contact with his head."OUCH!!" "You're not going anywhere Dame-Tsuna, that's the Ninth's order."

"Maa maa Tsuna, it sounds fun, besides we can get to know about other country." Said a certain baseball star.

"That's right Juudaime!! I can't wait to let you see my hometown!!" Gokudera said with sparkles in his eyes.

"EXTREME ITALY" you know who


"No buts Dame-Tsuna, you're going and that's final."

The brunette signed in defeat, knowing that he never has a chance of going against this Spartan. "Fine, but why the Ninth need me to go to Italy anyway?"

"To discuss about the phenomenon appearing around the world recently of course." "Phenomenon?"

"I know about this Juudaime!!" The bomber raised his hand excitedly "it's about some strange murders happened constantly." "M....murders?!!" Tsuna stuttered. "That's right Juudaime, recently there has been some cases that the victims had been killed in a very savage way. They had been either teared into small pieces or headless-" Before the silverhead could finish, a girly scream was heard "HIEEEEEEE, I'M NOT GOING ANYMORE!!!" and the baby hitman immediately kicked the brunette in the face "ITTE!!" "shut up Dame-Tsuna". As if on cue, the demon prefect appeared out of nowhere, pulled out his tonfas magically and threatened in a cold voice.

"Hebivores, for being noisy i will bite you to death" "Hieeeeee!! H...hibari-san!!" And the usual routine began

"Teme!! Be respectful to Juudaime!!"

"Maa maa...."

"EXTREME!!" And so the three ended up being chased by a certain skylark around the school until the bell rang.


Finally finish, i hope the first chapter isn't too bad.

please comment and if you think this story is interesting, don't forget to vote.

Ciao~ see you in next chapter♡♡

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