Chapter 2

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Intro (Long Version) | The Xx

"You're pregnant."

I looked up at Alexa from where she sat across the table with my eyebrows raised and my lips pursed. I was so caught off guard by her statement that didn't know what else to do, didn't know what to say at all. The way her lips covered in a deep, red lipstick curved up into a knowing smile was all the confirmation she needed before she nodded smugly and leaned back against the chair she sat in with her arms folded across her chest. God, she was good.

"I knew it," she smirked even wider before turning towards Grace who was sitting beside her. "What did I tell you?"

"Wait," I frowned, "how'd you even know?"

"Seriously? For one, you're already married—which, by the way, thanks for telling us about that, it was really nice of you."

"We didn't tell anyone," I reminded her. Zayn and I hadn't told anyone we were already married until after it happened. Everyone was a little shocked at first, some were a bit disappointed—exhibit A, also known as Alexa—but they got over it eventually. We let our families throw us a little ceremony to celebrate anyway, so in the end everything turned out okay.

"Whatever," she waved me off. "But yeah, you're already married, you and Zayn already live together, what else could you possibly need to tell us?"

"Maybe they're adding another member to their zoo," Grace suggested, trying to hold in a laugh.

"We only have three pets."

"Yeah, three too many."

"So you really are having a baby then?" Alexa questioned. I nodded back, failing to hold back a smile. It was bound to happen anyway. I was just so happy that I couldn't help it. Not that I wanted to anyway. "Congrats."

"Thanks, guys."

"Wow," Grace let out an impressed huff. "Your kid is gonna be so hot when it's older, is that weird to say?"

I snickered, thankful that I hadn't taken a sip of my tea before I'd done so or else it would've gone shooting right out of my nose instead. "Just a little," I laughed, scrunching my nose. "Yeah, that's a bit weird to say."

"Sorry," she shrugged. "It's just, not to sound like I'm checking your husband out or anything, but Zayn's a really attractive lad and you are, too, so it's like—wow."

"Thank you?" I frowned. Was it supposed to be taken as a compliment if someone said your unborn child was going to be hot? I wasn't exactly sure.

"Please tell me you're having a girl," Alexa crossed her fingers. For someone who didn't really show that much interest in kids, she sure was excited about mine.

"We don't know yet," I announced, stirring the spoon that still say in my cup. "I'm okay with either, though. Like, I don't want a boy or a girl, I just don't mind."

"You should have twins." Grace added a little too happily for my taste. I hadn't even thought about the possibility of having twins and I didn't want to right now either. That just seemed like too much of a hassle for me.

"Please don't jinx it," I groaned. "One at a time is good enough for me."

"Kids are a lot of work," Alexa made a face. Typical. "I don't know if I could ever do it."

"You're a lot of work." Grace muttered while Alexa pretended not to hear what she said. It was funny how we were basically all the same since we were teenagers up until now. Which was really great in my opinion; I liked the fact that we were all still great friends. I hoped that never changed either.

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