Spliting and Walking

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I gently gave Legolas a kiss then ran after my party. I had chosen Tauriel for my party, so I could keep an eye on her. We started a long march so we could reach The Black Gates in two nights. One stop too long would make it another day. Rion walked next to me, silence and deep in thought. Tauriel was have some sort of chat to Eormer about Rohan.
"Vilya, may I ask you something?"
"Of course." He took a deep breath and asked
"I don't mean to be rude but why is everyone risking their lives to find one girl." I looked at him. Rion had a confused look and was thinking. He looked at me and the look left his face.
"We are looking for Anná yes, but to main reason everyone else is coming is to find out the orcs hideout. The orcs were meant to be wiped out. But that has proven otherwise." I took a breath and continued slowly
"Everyone wants Middle Earth to be a safe place. For their children to run into the woods and to know that orcs will not tear them into pieces. We are fighting not just for one but for many." Rion nodded and said
"Will I have to die for that?"
"I can't say. Only fate can. And fate will not tell us what it has in mind." I sighed and watched Rion's reply to that.
"Why can't we see the future?"
"Some can and still then it is not clear. The future can change in the blink of an eye." Rion nodded and fell silent. I walked next to him deep in my own thoughts.

Later we stopped for a rest and some food. I sat down against the tree,my hand gently over my stomach. It had swollen a bit now and I could see the small bump from the baby. Eormer said softly
"You are with a child." I smiled and nodded. He returned the smile and gently placed an apple in my hand and handed me a water skin.
"Thank you." Tauriel looked up from her apple and asked
"What do you think it is?" I looked at her in surprise.
"I am hoping for another girl." I said shyly. No one had ever asked that question before. Tauriel smiled and replied
"I hope you have a girl." She had gentle smile and her green eyes sparkled with excitement. I grinned and started on my apple.

"How far have we gone?" I turned around to see Rion dragging his feet.
"Not very far. But every step is a step closer." That was the tenth time Eormer had said that. Rion rolled his eyes and replied
"You said last time."
"And it hasn't changed." Rion mimic Eormer. I gave a small chuckle and hopped lightly over the stones. This path was very rocky and steep.
"When we go down this hill then we will stop for the night." I said, still smiling.

Tauriel had a fire going and I sat close by it with my cloak wrapped around my knees. Rion sat down again a tree trunk and was eating some broth that Tauriel made. She was a good cook and she had been helping me all day. I was starting to like her, which I hated. Eormer was smoking his pipe, staring at the horizon.
"I will take the first watch." He said. I nodded grateful and lay down on some grass and snuggled down my cloak.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now