Will You Follow Me?

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"My lord!" I dropped to my knees as Thranduil walked towards me. Legolas bowed. Thranduil walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You don't need to kneel to me, Vilya. It is I that kneels to you.' Thranduil, the great King knelt in front of me. I didn't nothing, but froze in horror and wonder.
"My lord, you have no right to bow to me."
"Yes I do. You saved Middle Earth once. Now I wish to help." We both rose. But in the depth of his eyes, I saw the hate that had always been there.
"My lord, your army is ready." Tauriel said and walked off.
"Ready your army. The enemy had hidden for too long, Vilya!" Thranduil walked off, leaving me and Legolas looking on in wonder.

I was soon dressed in my usual. Black pants and top with swords on my back and daggers, as well as a quiver. I had the bracelet sword and my hair was in a bun. Legolas walked in, dressed in his armour.
"Vilya, I want to say I am sorry." I gave a sad smile and kissed him.
"It's okay." I walked away.

I found Thranduil standing by his elk.
"My lord." Thranduil turned around, replying
"Why are you here?"
"To thank you."
"For what?"
"For fighting." Thranduil looked at me and replied
"I didn't do it for you. You should have never married Legolas." Then I snapped.
"You know nothing of love. Nothing of happiness." I had gone to far. Thranduil's sword was at my throat.
"If you think you know love, then are you ready to die for it?" The was a clang and Legolas had pushed Thranduil's sword away.
"If you harm her, the you will have to kill me." Thranduil's sword was lowed and I left without looking back.

Tears blinded my way as I walked quickly. The world was unfair. I had never felt so alone or lost as I did now. I sat down in the garden, picking at the grass.
"Natha, are you okay?" Celebrim sat down next to me.
"Yes just angry with your grandfather." Celebrim grinned and replied
"When aren't you?" I smiled and pulled him close.
"We are going to war, Celebrim. We may all die. Are you ready for that?" The smile left our faces and Celebrim replied slowly
"I am not sure. What ever happens I hope that I face it with courage."
"A friend once told me that true courage is not how to take a life but how to spare one." Celebrim nodded and I hugged him.

I had seen war. My father died in it. War was death. Darkness was despair.

I am Vilya daughter of Celebrimbor, Silver Hand.

War calls, and blood flows. I am ready. Are you?

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Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now