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Two Days Later

The Black Gates were lying in the dirt and dust. Rion walked over to me and stood behind me.
"Are you afraid?" He shook his head, but his hands were shaking. Tauriel stood with her hands on her daggers. Eormer had his hand on his long sword, watching everything. I walked through the broken gates and into the black lands.

Too many memories lay here. My father flashed in my face and I watched as the mace hit him. I staggered and closed my eyes. The whole scene flashed in my face.

Sauron plunged his mace into Father's chest. All I could do was scream,
"FATHER!" But he made no sound. Sauron smiled and walked over to me and raise his mace. I braced  myself but the killed blow never came. Frodo had destroyed the Ring. Sauron suddenly gasped of air and with the last of my strength, I plunged my sword into his stomach. He vanished with a scream.

I had a small cry and Tauriel came to my side.
"Vilya?" I gave her a small push and gently put my hand to my head.
"I am fine." I hissed and we continued to walk into the darkness. Rion walked just behind me with Eormer following.
"Have you been here before?" Eormer asked.
"Only in dreams and memory." I replied. The Black Tower of Sauron loomed ahead. Tauriel was looking around and whispered softly
"There is nothing, no grass, no wind and no light, save the pale sun trying to shine through the clouds." I turned in a circle, breathing in the hot air. It was like breathing in soup. My body heaved but I continued to walk towards the tower.

The tower was rubble on the black dirt. It lay in a pile, broken and covered in dust. Then I heard Rion give a cry.
"Look!" Not too far away, stood another tower, nearly the same. But standing. And a fire light came from its 'windows'.
"That was not there before." I said. Eormer started to walk.
"Come on!" He said, his voice filled with hope. I took a step then dropped into the dust.
"Sorry, but I need to rest." Rion helped me to sit on the tower's ruins while Tauriel gave me some water and food. A few minutes later, I was ready to go on. Every step was a nightmare.

The next day, we where about 10 kms from the tower, when I heard the sound of iron shod feet.
"Orcs!" I cried. But we were too late. Within a minute, we were surround by orcs.
"Drop your weapons!" The orc cried. I placed my weapons on the ground. The others followed me. Then the orcs grabbed our hand and tied role around our hands. The rope was so tight, that my wrists started to blood. As we were shoved towards the tower, I screamed in my mind to Aragorn and Legolas,
Help me! Help us!

Darkness took me.

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now