If Elves Had Wings

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Legolas's Pov
I watched Vilya walk away next to Rion. Please be safe.
I started to walked next to my companion, Gimli. Eowyn was walking with Merry and at the rear was Faramir. He had keen eyes and ears which was helpful at the rear. Gimli and Merry where having some talk out pipe weed. Eowyn was shaking her head and laughing. I smiled and lead the way into the dark forest.

"Well laddie, you're a father! I still can't believe it!" Gimli exclaimed. I gave a small smile. Then Eowyn started to sing in her light and beautiful voice.
"Hello it's me,
I was wondering if you
For me to go over everything
They say times meant to heal
But I haven't done any healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I am dreaming about what we use to be
When we were young and free
There is such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must of screamed your name a thousand time
To tell you  I'm sorry
Forever thing I have done

Hello from outside
At lest I can say that I tried
To tell you I'm sorry
For breaking your heart
But it doesn't tear you apart

Hello how are you
I am sorry,
I hope that you
Left that town where nothing ever happen
We are running out of time

Hello from the other side
I must of screamed your name a thousand time
To tell you  I'm sorry
Forever thing I have done

Hello from outside
At lest I can say that I tried
To tell you I'm sorry
For breaking your heart
But it doesn't tear you apart

Hello it's me."
As Eowyn gently sang, my mind was filled with thought of Vilya and Tauriel. I loved Vilya with all my heart, but I loved Tauriel has well. She was never meant to be at Mirkwood when I arrived with Vilya. If I had of know that Tauriel was there, I would never of married Vilya. My heart had first loved Tauriel and it will always be that way.

"Can we have a break now?" Merry was slowing down and starting to complain.
"Just another hour then we will stop for the night." I persisted. Merry gave a small groan but start to pick up the pace again. Every step was one closer to finding my daughter.

The hour went by very slowly. Even Faramir started to slow down. Now only Eowyn and I were walking at the same pace when we had first started.
"We will stop here." Eowyn said, firmly. I nodded and dropped onto the ground, gracefully. Gimli sat on a rock and Merry dropped down in a mess on the floor. Faramir helped his wife onto a rock and sat down next to me. Eowyn handed out the bread and we eat in silence. There was no fire, for we were out in the open, just covered by some huge grey moss covered rocks. I stood up, looking around closely and watching sky. Nothing. Not even wind or a single cloud.

I took the first watch, for sleep would not find me. I sat stark at the stars, trying to count them. I finally gave up and watched the moon rising. Vilya and Tauriel, be safe. Anná, my only daughter, may the blessings of the elves cover you.
Vilya's voice came into my head.
Help us!
I jumped to my feet and cried
"Vilya's in trouble!"

Celebrimbor's Daughter and Thranduil's Son 2 (Legolas Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now