My love for you is bulletproof {fuenciado}

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I woke up to the sound of the door slamming shut and my head pounding against my pillow.

"What the fuck?" i rolled over and looked out of my bunk.

Thru hazy eyes i could see that perfect smile gleeming up at me.

"oh hey vic" I said with a slight smile.

"GET UP! GET UP! GET UP! JAAAAAAAAAAIME!" He reminded me of an excited 5 year old.

"uhh, do i have to? its sooooo early" i tried to sound tired but i didn't hide it very well.

He hopped into my bunk and straddled my waist, threatening to lick the side of my face.

"okay! okay! okay! I Give!" i half lied. I just needed him to get off so he wouldn't feel the bulge that was forming under my pajamas.

"Hurry Jaime! I need food and you know i don't like going alone!" Vic whined.

I jumped off my bunk and went to the bathroom.

I slipped on my black skinny jeans and a gray v-neck. Then quickly fixed my hair.

"Preciado!" I heard the slam of the bus door and i knew that voice anywhere.

This wasnt going to be an easy morning.

my love for you is bulletproof {fuenciado}Where stories live. Discover now