Chapter Three

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"Help!" Melissa shouted as she was being chased by a girl from district three. "Scream all you want Everdeen! No one will hear!"

Melissa tripped over a branch that was lying on the ground. She screamed. The girl from district three pinned her down to the ground. "Any last words?" He asked. Melissa didn't answer because she was trying to escape. "That's what I thought." She said she lifted up a dagger and stabbed Melissa in the chest.

"NO!" Melissa shouted sitting up. She looked around. "Melissa?" Asked a voice. "Are you okay?"

Connor stepped out of the darkness. "It was just a dream." Melissa said frightened. "It felt so real!" She began to break down in tears.

"Melissa, as you said, it was only a dream." Connor said sitting down next to her. "Just a dream." Melissa cried on his shoulder.

After about five minutes, Melissa looked at Connor. "Will you stay here with me tonight?" She remembered her mom telling her that Peeta had stayed with her when she had nightmares.

"Sure Melissa." Connor answered. "Whatever makes you feel safe." Melissa lied down next to Connor.
"So what exactly happened in your dream?" He asked.

"Well, I was being chased by a girl, then she ended up stabbing me." Melissa answered. "I woke up right after that." "I came in here as when I herd screaming." Said Connor. "I thought it was just people outside, then I thought of you."

Melissa looked up at Connor. "How exactly did you think of me?" She asked. "You said you always had terrible nightmares about the games, so I came in here to find you screaming."

Connor looked at Melissa. "I thought you were awake, I thought man, she's really weird." Melissa giggled. "At least I don't sleepwalk." She said

"What do you mean?" Asked Connor. Melissa answered, "Well, my friend Annie sleepwalks all the time." "Is that so?" "Yeah, you should've seen her she was pouring a glass of water while sleeping."

Connor chuckled. "That is weird." They both stopped and looked at each other. "Don't you think this is kind of awkward?" Melissa asked. "Yeah, we should stop." Answered Connor. "Agreed." The stopped staring. Melissa looked at the clock. "Oh crap!" She said. "What?" Asked Connor. "We have to start getting ready for the parade!"

Melissa quickly got out of bed and walked out the door. "What's the matter Miss Everdeen?" Asked Holly. "I need my dress for the parade." Said Melissa. "Oh yes, the dress." Said Holly. "I'll go get it." Holly went to her room.

Melissa sat down on the couch. Connor walked out of the room and sat next to her. "We should've gone to sleep." He said. "Tell me about it." Answered Melissa resting her head on the back of the couch.

"I'd rather not, then I'll get tired." Connor said jokingly. "Ha ha very funny." Said Melissa sarcastically. Just then, Holly walked out holding a green suit and a long silky green dress. "Here are your clothes." She said. "Now go put them on!"

Melissa took her dress and went to her room. Connor did the same.

When Melissa walked in, she noticed that the bed sheets had been replaced. "What the heck?" She said to herself. The TV turned on. "Hello Melissa Everdeen." It said. "Here is your schedule for the day." A picture of her schedule showed up. "Wow, nice." Melissa said.

She looked at her dress. It was just how she imagined it. "Forest green, long and silky." She said. "I like this guy."

She took off her nightgown and slipped on the dress. She looked at herself. "Wow, I never thought I would see myself in something like this."

The door opened. "Oh my gosh!" Melissa said startled. "Sorry to scare you Miss Everdeen but, it's time for hair and makeup." Said a woman.

Melissa sat down in a chair by the mirror. Her hair was still in a messy bun from the night before. The lady took it down and brushed it.

Melissa waited till the lady left the room. She turned and looked at her face. "Woah, this is a lot of makeup." She was wearing a dark green eyeshadow with black mascara. Foundation covering her face, along with some powder to top it all off.

Her hair was in a bun at the top of her head with two prices of hair hanging off to the side. Her hair was curled to look perfect. "My hair looks like I'm from Texas." She said.

Connor and Melissa were standing by the window looking out the train window. "We have ten minutes till we arrive!" Holly exclaimed. "Please be ready to exit the train as soon as the doors open."

Melissa turned to Connor. "Do I look okay?" She asked. "You look fine, stop worrying." Connor answered. "You're right, I'm sorry." Melissa said. "I'm just nervous." She looked back out the window.

"I just want people to like me." She said. "Ever since my mom, Katniss, went to the Hunger Games, no on likes our family." "Don't worry." Said Connor. "Like I said, everything is going to be okay."

Melissa held back tears. This might be her last public appearance in front of a live audience. "You're right, I'm over reacting." "We are ere!" Holly shouted. "Go to the door!" Melissa and Connor made their way to the door.

"Ready?" Asked Connor. "Ready." Melissa answered. The doors opened. The crowds of people trying to touch them as they walked to the horses. "Oh cool we get to ride on horses!" Said Melissa.

The got saddled up and started trotting to backstage. "I wonder what it's like." Connor said. "What what's like?" Asked Melissa. "The Games." He answered. "I've never watched them, only herd about them."

Melissa looked shocked when her said he had never watched the Hunger Games. "How can you not watch the Huger Games?" She said. "It's the law to watch the Games!" "Not exactly, you see, the law says that one person in your family has to watch the games, my mom always did so I didn't have too."

Melissa was surprised. "So all those years I could've skipped watching it, I didn't?" Melissa was mad. She never liked the games. But then again, who did?

When the finally reached backstage, they walked to the last chariot. "District 12." Said Connor. The stepped inside the chariot. It was surprisingly comfortable to stand on. There was red carpet inside of it.

"Welcome everyone to the 80th Annual Hunger Games Parade!" Said a voice. "It's time." Said Melissa. She and Connor held hands for balance as everyone else.

One by one, the chariots took their turn showcasing the tributes from every district. "Now, from District 12, Melissa Everdeen, and Connor Leaves!" The chariot began to move.

Melissa remembered what Henry had told her. "Flick the dress twice to start a new season." She told Connor to do the same. She flicked her dress twice. When she did, leaves began to appear on her dress. They turned from green, to yellow, to red then they fell of as new ones appeared. Connors suit did the same thing.

"Wow! District 12 has done it again!" Said the voice. After all the chariots were lined up, her began to say the names of all the tributes.

And with that, the parade was over.


I know guys, I got the Number of the Hunger Games wrong I was just thinking. None of ya'll have said anything about it, but in case you're wondering. So I hope you're liking the story so far! 💚🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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