Chaptet 1 : The Temple

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The Temple was like what you would hear in books. It was huge first of all with beautiful tall pillars in front made of white marble. You would walk in and feel the warmth and welcoming of all its inhabitants. The doors were a made of a reddish marble that gleamed in the sun. Even the handles made from what looked like pure gold were beautiful beyond reason. At the very top of the Temple guards were in place. Each held a bow that if wielded by those guards would be fatal if used. Each guard had been trained since the were 10 and held no remorse.

Ashvern walked in and was immediately greeted by Soca. Soca was a beautiful warrior. She could wield any weapon with accuracy and deadliness. She also had a soft spot for puppies and never stopped talking. Ashvern had known Soca since she had come to the temple.

She came when she was 6 after her parents had been murdered. Ashvern remembered that horrible night when her parents met there death. It had been rainy and dark, perfect night for a murder. Her parents were always outgoing and friendly but we're also strong and swift. The upheld a place in the Merperlan council and we're proud of it. They're opinions were greatly respected but no one knew they were Fae or Werewolf.

The Fae were feared by humans and would never really fit in. They had such grace and elegance but we're known to take down whole battlefields. The Werewolves were much the same but more known for there brutality. Werewolves could change any part of there body to parts of a wolf, you didn't have to make the whole shift. If a werewolf wanted to just shift the ears then only the ears would shift into wolf ears. If they just wanted the canines then they would just shift the teeth. No one knew who out ranked who. Could a Werewolf beat a Fae? Could a Fae beat a Werewolf? Know one really knew. Ashvern knew that if you were both you were the best of both worlds.

Her parents had been murdered coming home from a council meeting. They had shot a arrow through her dads throat. Her mom had screamed at the assassin in to show himself instead of hide in the shadows and kill. She had screamed to make it a worthy fight. He never did come out and shot my mom too afterwards. I remember running and running till I found the temple. They took me in a taught me everything. The guards personally trained me and they would pay the best of the best to also train her.

Thats were she also met Soca who wild always stay by her side. Soca had never known her parents and had just dropped her off at the Temple. She never talked about her past so Ashvern knew nothing really.

Soca didn't look like her usual self and murmured for me to come. Everywhere I looked people had there heads down. There was no welcoming feel here. What had happened? Soca lead her to the great hall. The meeting place which pretty much acted like a giant living room. She wondered why she was lead here, but when she say who was in the hall she froze and swore under her breath.

Hey guys ☺️☺️😎😎
Hope you like it but leaves you on a huge cliff hanger
Hehehe sorry guys

"Sighs and knows she will soon have a huge mob in front of her house saying they want another chapter"

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