Chapter 8

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Nightshade shifted underneath her. It was still dark and Nightshade could hear the all animals still out. He wanted to hunt.
"So what's your game plan for making sure I don't get killed by a bunch of tribal members"
"Who said you weren't getting killed"
Achilles sighed at that and opted to stop the conversations there. A silence fell over them and stayed the whole day. There wasn't enough words in hell to explain how boring it was. They stopped a little bit before nightfall and camped near a little pond. Weeds stalked up and engulfed half the pond. Achilles decided to start the conversation again.
"So how am I not going to get murdered"
"We've been through this, I have decided that I'm letting you die and I'm running way and living as a old crazy lady in the forest who's really good at hand to hand combat and has two swords"
A puzzled and slightly amused smile tugged at Achilles lips.
"Ahhh I see your a quitter"
Ashvern was no way going to be called that.
"Listen here you son of a bitch it's been mine dream since I was little you guys are like my pawns to living my real dream life"
"If that's your dreams then maybe it's best you don't help our race survive"
"Woah wo-"
Nightshade lunged out of nowhere and gripped Achilles horse in his powerful jaws. Ashvern was there at lightning speed twisting the water horses ear. She turned it enough to cause pain and Nightshade let go of the feeble horse and screamed. Achilles visibly tensed and unsheathed his sword. She took hold of his muzzle then and held shut. Soon putting her other hand over his one eye. A half hour transpired before she let go. Calm now. Ashvern tied Nightshade up for a second and went to Achilles horse.
"What are you doing with my horse"
Ashvern didn't answer and preceded to untie his horse. Achilles slowly unpeeled himself from the tree he had been resting on and padded towards her.
"Uhhhh wait what are you doing"
Ashvern finished to untie his horse and smacked it's backend hard. It took off at a run and continued out of sight.
"I was sick of your horse"
"What the hell, did you just make my horse run away"
Achilles looked absolutely dumbfounded as too why she had done it.
"It was only a matter of time before he would have killed it sooooo"
"What the hell"
"It was really annoying"
"What the hell"
"I might have just saved it's life"
Achilles then looked at her fully then.
"Okay fine so now what's your plan, how am I going to ride"
"Let me show you"
Achilles chuckled and murmured something about the moon goddesses and her. Achilles watched closely as she saddled up Nightshade and mounted him.
Confusion crossed over his eyes but he jumped up on Nightshade himself.
With one little whisper they were off. Achilles occasionally asking where they were going and how horses could run this fast. She told him no horse could. Nightshade dodged and ducked through the forest before stopping at a beach that went on for miles.
"And why are we here"
"You'll see"
"I'm not fond of surprises"
"Too bad"
Ashvern walked up and down the beach before stopping at a little cove. She lead everyone there and told Achilles to hide. Within seconds she could not see nor hear him. Nightshade want to the very back of the cove and with the cover of night he was also completely hidden.
"Achilles where are you"
A pebble dropped close to a little curve in the cove and she followed in to the curve finding a very well hidden Achilles.
"Now may you tell me about this odd plan"
"I'm possibly getting you a new mount"
"A capaill uisce"
For whatever reason Achilles kept quite and waited. After awhile it started poring heavily and lighting lit up the sky. Hours passed before she heard the splash. Then a hoof hit sand, then a inhuman scream. Nightshade screamed himself from within cove and looked intently outward.
Achilles chucked very softly.
"your fucking crazy"
"I'm ready"

I know lovely readers it was a really short chapter but all of a sudden i was writing it and just decided that that would be me ending. My instinct told me to.
Vote and comment. 👍🏻👌🏻hehehehehehe

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