Chapter 4: Goodbyes and long journeys

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Ashvern packed her few things in her satchel and made the bed.
She had a feeling she wouldn't be back for awhile so she made her rounds and said goodby to everyone.
Warm farewells and tight hugs made it all seem a little better. After that was all done she went up to Soca's room. She opened the door to find her friend passed out on the one person bed.
Ashvern to full advantage of this and shifted quietly into her wolf form. She then went up to Soca's ear and barked as loud as she could.
Soca jumped out of bed like a bat out of hell and grabbed her sword.
Ashvern shifted back and nearly wet her pants laughing so hard. Soca looked like she was ready for murder.
"And what do I owe this great pleasure of you to come by"

Sarcasm thick in Soca's voice

"I have some news"
"If it has anything to do with all of sudden you can't shift into something that makes noise I might cry with joy"
"Oh don't act that glum it was funny as hell"
"What's your news"
"I'm leaving"
Soca's eyes and sarcastic tone left entirely
"It was that Moon Kissed, he had something to do about it didn't he"
Soca cursed under her breath for a good straight minute saying things that made Ashvern's ears bleed.
"I shall someday seek my revenge"
"I will help you" Ashvern said with a grim look"
"I'll miss you"
"Same here"
"Who will we talk about hot boys and spar with now"
"One of the Temple guards is gay, and single, and loves to talk about hot boys, trust me"
Soca rubbed her chin and nodded slightly before finally deciding
"You have already been replaced"
Soca finally broke down and hugged her friend. Each had tears running down their cheeks.
"Will you come back"
"Yeah but I don't know when"
They let go of each other.
"Ashvern if you die on this conquest remember that when we were 12 I really did eat all you chocolates and that to this day I still feel no remorse"
"Why the hell did I hug you"
"Cause I'm irresistible"
"I'm leaving, goodbye"
They both laughed and with one last hug Ashvern walked out of the room. She went back to hers and pet her nightgown on. It didn't take her long to fall asleep.

She woke up just before dawn, got dressed, and saddled Nightshade. She was all ready by the time the Moon Kissed warrior saddled his horse and told her to follow him.
They rode for awhile before she spoke.
"What's your name"
"How old are you"
"Three hundred"
She gaped for a second then remembered that Moon Kissed wolves were imortal. She guessed there wasn't enough of Moon Kissed wolf in her to make her imortal.
That's all they said till they camped for the night in a small cave.
Feighton made a quick fire and soon fell asleep.
Ashvern did soon laid down herself and dreamt about a world without bad people and mean people.

Hey guys hope you like the chapter it was short but anyway and I am starting to think that Feighton is a bad name so comment any good male names.
Happy Halloween guys
Comment your costume
I was the (ironically) the big bad wolf and my Friend was little red riding hood 🐺🇨🇦🇬🇭
And if you like me enough (lol)
My Instagram is @wolfrunner_9653

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