The Stories

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"I don't think she's real" 
The one guard exclaimed.
"No one has really ever had real proof she exists, minus of course the killings but how do we no it was her"
"Dude the Northern Wolf obviously is real, like come on we don't need proof  she exists" the other guard looked in horror as his friends made these claims. Of course she was real.
"The whole point is that no one knows if she is real, she probably makes it that way"
"Yeah I guess but you never know"
"Come on who else can take down the whole Northern wolf pack, remember the one surviving pack member said that there was only one wolf, female and had pure black at the top of her and her coat shaded all the way down to pure white" 
"That's what everyone says she looks like so I think she is real"
"I don't know dude i just hope that if she is real she never comes for us"
"Haha I hope so too"

The merchant remembered the day the Northern Wolf had saved his life. It had been dark and rainy when he was walking home. Two huge figures had strode up to him and asked for his money. The merchant had two daughters and wife to feed at home and had just made a really nice sum of money today. He might with that money would also by two new dresses for his daughters. They rarely had new clothes.  The two big figured had asked for money and each held a dagger in they're hands. He didn't know what too do. This money was his but so was his life. He just had blinked when one out of nowhere had been beheaded and the second had barely time to turn around when his had also got severed. All of a sudden more men came out. about 3 and they all looked furious. Swift as a fox a figure stabbed a dagger through one of the men's heart but the others had caught on. Both men stood waiting for the perfect  moment to strike. Several minutes passed. Where had the mysterious figure gone too? It had left him for dead? The other two men looked jut as confused and turned to the merchant. They were going to kill him for sure. It took them to steps towards him before one of the fell and smash his head of the ground. There stood a girl, no older than 17. She had two swords in her hands challenged the only man left to a fight. The man unsheathed his sword and they fought. The girl went for arm but the man easily deflected it. He used it as an advantage and moved his sword quick right for her face. In less than a heartbeat she blocked it and sliced his chest. The man swore loud and lunged for her. She moved to quickly for the merchant to even see as she went up behind the man and knocked him out cold with the pommel of her one sword. She than stabbed his heart to make sure he was dead. She tossed the merchant and bag of gold coins before shifting into a wolf with a coat that was black on top and shaded into pure white at the bottom.

The north feared her. Everyone everywhere feared her and should. Even the king who say apon his dark throne knew sooner or later she would become a threat. He would dispose of her no matter what it took. All of Merperlan would be his and she would soon threaten that. He would make sure she was gone.

Just thought I would add a few stories to show how
really good warrior she is

"Just howl"

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