Chapter 3: The Water Horse

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Ashvern walked right to the stables beside the temple.
She needed to proceed this, long and hard. The screaming started right away but not from any human, ohhhh no anything but human.

The capaill uisce screamed. Loud and clear and sending the other normal horses into a frenzy. She walked right up to the Capaill Uisce and walked right in the stall. That Capaill Uisce was all hers. If it was anyone else who walked in that stall they would have been dead already, and then would have been eaten.

The water horse looked at her. His eyes a beautiful dark green. His name was Nightshade, for actually two reasons. One Nightshade was a sleek black, no other colour anywhere on him. Second, Nightshade could kill just as Deadly Nightshade could, the poison kind, fast and brutal.

Ashvern held half a cows leg in her hand. She gave it to the horse and watched him tear and rip into the cows leg. His sharp teeth doing what they were made for. The Capaill Uisce finished his food and she took the remaining bone back out of the stall. She dumped it for the crows and walked back to the stall. Nightshade screamed again, a high, shrill scream that sent shivers down her spine. Most people could never love these beasts, they killed without remorse and you could almost never train one.

She had found Nightshade when he was extremely young, three days to be exact. And he was bloodied and severely malnourished. A mountain lion had heard his screams, as he was calling for his mother. She had heard them too and that's what brought her there. By the time she did get there the little water horse was fighting the mountain lion, losing but fighting with all he had left. She had saw this and shifted to her wolf form. It had taken her about a minute before she had killed the big cat.

Ashvern remembered bringing Nightshade to the Temple stables and feeding him with milk from another mare. She washed him up and groomed him to perfection. Even with that he had to be blindfolded the entire time. Anyone who went near him for about the first 5 months he would try and kill, including herself. Now she was the only one he trusted.

He had a beautiful muscular build  that would put any world class horse to shame. She was so proud of him and he seemed to be proud of himself.

She walked him out of the stable and into the paddock. She unhooked his halter and jumped on his bear back. She needed this ride just as much as he needed it. She whispered one word In his ear.


He bolted, running at a speed no ordinary horse could ever run.
He soared over the paddock fence like stepping over a pencil. They ran and ran and ran, never once did ether worrying about anything.

For once they just relaxed.

Nightshade eventually stopped by a little beach. Sweat lacing his black coat but the look in his eye said he could still have run for miles. Ashvern jumped off him and into the sand. She immediately ditched her shoes and walked towards the water. Nightshade watched with curiously, then followed her.

She was ankle deep before she stopped and waited for Nightshade to follow. He went out with her, his tail swishing side to side.
She went out deeper.
He followed.
She knew the risk it would be to have him out this far in the water. She walked out so far that it was up to her throat.
He still followed
And came right up to her
Soon their they were, swimming side by side, each splashing water at the other. She laughed, something she hadn't done in awhile. The water caressed Nightshades every muscle.
He was shaking hard, the sea called to him, how all it would take was one snap of her neck and he would be gone, but all she had to do was look in his eyes and she knew who he called back to.

They both got back at the Temple late.
And soaking.
And happy.
A huge falcon soared over head calling to Ashvern. She called back and soon enough the falcon was at her shoulder looking at her with the
"Tell me when your going out with that big stinky four legged beast, I don't like to be left out" face.
Yes Falcons can make faces like that.
Or Ashverns anyway.
Fire flew of her shoulder and on too one of the beams at the top o the stable. She had named him that cause of the beautiful reds that covered his feathers. Each feather pretty much had a different red. His beak was a sleek black. Fire was also the most proud, rudest birds you'd ever meet.
She sighed and wondered why she still bothered with him. As if knowing what she was thinking her flew back to her shoulder and continuously nudged his beak against her cheek.

That gods-dammed bird.

Always found his way back into her heart.
She checked on all the horses including Nightshade and then walked back to the Temple, Fire still perched on her shoulder. She would have to pack now.
Being a Moon Kissed wolf had no perks.

Okay maybe being a Moon Kissed wolf isn't that cool but trust me
Oh and hello to all the new readers, I welcome you with open happy arms
You pronounce Capaill Uisce like
Cap-ale ish-kaa or Cap-ale oosh-kaa
Yeah I know "huh"

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