Chapter one - First day

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I can't believe that it's already over. How can the summer holiday already be over? I mean, didn't it just start a week ago. It's true what they say. Time really does fly by. Here I am once again. Walking through the hallways. Nobody knows i'm here. I know that. They walk past me. They do not talk with me. Just like always. No change, huh? I can't remember if it has been different. I guess it has always been like this. Not that I mind it. I think i'm used to it now. Anyway all they do is going to parties and get drunk and things that I can't even say out loud. I guess you have already figured out that i'm not the most social person. I'm a little bit shy. No.. I'm very shy. Not just a little. I hate it. My mother made me go see some woman, who should help me with my shyness. Yea.. I visited her once and ran out of the room after 10 minutes.

I walk down the hallway and into my classroom. I can feel that my biggest bully, Jennifer is looking at me as if I was trash. Like always. She is probably what you would describe as the pretty, beautiful, skinny and popular girl of the school. She treats everyone as trash. Mostly me but in some kind of way everybody wants to be together with her.

I decide to ignore the way she looks at me. I try to walk past her but she make me trip over her leg. "Watch out, freak!" She mocks and laugh at me with all her "friends" I stand up and sigh. I can feel the tears coming but I take a deep breath and looks at the floor. I walk over to my seat and sits down. I put my ear pods in my ear. When I do that, I feel like I can make everything go away. I know I can't but how I wish I could. I hate Jennifer and her friends. Maybe hate is a too strong word. I just wish that I knew why she treats me like she does.

The bell rings and Mrs. Marple, my English teacher walks in. I take my books out of my backpack at lay them on my desk. She starts talking about her vacation and how she had met this "amazing" man and so on. Things that she really shouldn't share with us students. That's just how she is. She is looking for love everywhere and I mean everywhere and she always tells us when she has met a new man. I don't know why and I don't want to know. Before I knew it she stands in front of me and hand me an assignment. "What is this?" I ask and looks at the paper. "You would have known Mrs. Pierce if you had been listening to me and not your stupid music. With that said she pulled my ear plugs out. "Sorry Mrs. Marple. It won't happen again." She nod and give me a serious look before she walks over to the next student. I look at the paper and sigh once again.

I'm sitting in my own little world, looking out of the window. Everybody sits with the assignment and looks frustrated. We all get saved when somebody knocks on the door and just after the knock it opens. A boy with blonde hair and the most perfect blue eyes walks in. He smiles and walks up to Mrs. Marple and says something very quietly. Mrs. Marple shakes his hand and they talk for a while. She claps her hands to get our attention and it works. "Listen everyone! We have a new student. Why don't you present yourself Mr. Horan?" Mrs. Marple ask. I look at the mysterious boy and can't figure out if he is like all the other or different. He looks to perfect to be real. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that he is like all the others and becomes my newest nightmare.

My thought gets interrupted when he starts talking. "Sure, let me see. My name is Niall Horan. My family just moved here from Ireland. And except from that I don't have much to say." His Irish accent is really strong. So strong that it could make a heart melt. "Where shall I sit?" He looks around for a seat and his eyes meets mine and I can't help it but look down. "There is a seat next to Sophie." I flinch when she says my name and looks at the empty seat beside me. He smiles shortly and nods before walking down to the seat next to me.

"Hey, what's your name love?" His Irish accent burns through my skin and gives me goosebumps. I can't help it. I keep my mouth closed. Not because I want to be rude. It's not like that. I try to say something but not a word comes out of my mouth. I can see at the corner of my eye that he is looking at me. I bite my lip nervously and look at him for a few seconds. "Sophie, my name is Sophie." I say quietly, not sure if he heard me. He nods and smile a bit. I feel so uncomfortable. It's like he can see through me and read my mind. It's a stupid thought, so I shrug it off.

Before I know it the bell rings. "Sophie, I was wondering if you could show me around?" I swing my schoolbag over my shoulder and looks over at the door. How I wish this would just end. I try to do something but I simply can't. He probably thinks i'm a huge freak. Just like everybody else. I try to keep myself together and shake all the negative thoughts away. I find myself looking into his eyes and nod slightly before looking away. "Well, let's go then.." With that said we walk out of the classroom.

As we walk down the hallways people are looking at us. I try to ignore it. Like always. There is a total silence between us and I can't stand it. It makes me more nervous. "So Niall.. You said you moved from Ireland, why?" It felt in some kind of way natural to ask that question. He doesn't say anything for a while and i'm not sure if I said anything because of the silence that continues. He takes a deep breath and looks at me. "There isn't really much to say. It was something about my fathers work. Just that." I'm not sure if he means it. The way he says it. He almost sounds worried and scared about something. Did I say something wrong? Maybe I should just keep quiet.

I show him all the classrooms that he needs to know where is and the cafeteria. There isn't much talk. He asked the wrong person to show him around. I ain't for much help. The bell rings and we are standing in front of the biology class. "I really appreciate that you showed me around, Sophie. I would be totally lost without your help." I smile slightly. When he say my name with that accent it's hard not to smile. "No big deal.. If you need help, you can just ask me and I'll try my best. I need to go but I guess I'll see you later?" All the students is walking down the hallways on their way to class. I should be going to. "Yes, of course. See you later, love." He waves shortly before disappearing into the classroom. I turn around and starts walking towards my own classroom. As far as I know, i'm going to have math. First day and I have math... I hate math. It's one big mess and I only understand half of it.

I'm trying my best to keep up with what the teacher says while taking notes. It's hard for me. I look up at the clock several times to see when this class is over. After a long time that felt like forever it's over. I walk out of class and heads towards the cafeteria. The rest of the school day is soon over. I feel relived. I hate the first day of school. It could have been worse, though. Niall seems sweet. I just hope that I haven't misjudged him now. If he really is sweet I'll hope it's stays that way. I can't handle another bully. I think I'll just stay away from him. That way he can't hurt me, right..?

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