Chapter three - The invitation

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After a anxious night with no sleep at all I stand up from my bead. I walk over to my mirror. I stare at myself in the mirror. I look absolutely horrible. It isn't hard to see that I haven't got any sleep. I can't stop looking at my self. My hair is one big mess and I have eye bags. I can't even recognize myself. I have never tried being awake a whole night. Sleeping has always been easy for me. It has never been a problem but every time I tried to close my eyes I saw that person standing down there, looking up at me. It's so creepy. I can't stand it.

I look at the clock and realize that i'm late for school. I hurry into the bathroom. After half an hour i'm done. I hurry downstairs. "Mum! Where are you? Why didn't you wake me up? Mum! For gods sake..!" I yell through the house. No answer, but I here snoring. I walk into the living room and there she is laying on the sofa. On the sofa table a bottle of wine stands, empty. Lately she has started drinking more that usually. I have tried to ask her why but she doesn't answer me. She says she's busy and takes off. I look at her and sigh.

I look once more at the clock only to see that I don't have time to grab something to eat. I groan and pick up my back bag. I walk out of the door, locking it after me. I start walking towards my school. Usually i'm taking the bus but now it's to late. I walk as fast as I can but when I look at my watch I see that the first period is almost over. Just as I was about to turn around and just walk home a car stops right beside me and the door opens. "Get in, Sophie if you want a ride to school. We're late." The Irish accent can't be mistaken. It's Niall. I look around, bite my lip and sits down in the car closing the door after me.

He starts driving towards the school. I look at him curiously. "How did you know that I was late for school? I mean.. Why aren't you in school and how did you know where I was?" He lifts one of his eyebrows while looking at me. "I'm not some creepy stalker if that's what you think. I was late myself and saw you walking down the street. I thought you would appreciate a ride to school. I'm just being friendly, love." I smile nervously and nod. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." I try to finish my sentence. I can't really tell him why i'm being paranoid. I mean how wouldn't it sound? Hey Niall! Listen here there was this creepy stalker outside my window and I thought for a second that it was you..! No.. That would never happen. His laugh interrupt my thoughts. "Sophie, take it easy. Geez! Why so tense?" I look down at my hands. How could I be so stupid? Of course it's not him, right?

We're sitting in the car. There is a complete silence before we arrives at the parking lot at the school. I open the door and steps out of the car and shuts the door. "Thanks for the ride, Niall. I would have missed the first two periods without your help." I smile shyly at him. "No problem. Anything for a friend, right?" Friend. He called me his friend. Didn't he? He did. I didn't expect that. I can't remember when someone last referred to me as their friend and this guy I have only known for two days. As soon as i'm about to get a little happy my mood changes because I know that Jennifer will ruin this. "Right." I look at him for a while without knowing what to say. "We should be going now before we miss more of school.." He nods and lock his car. He walks over to me and we walk inside.

We had to split up because I had Spanish and he had math. My teacher was mad at me because I was late. It wasn't really my fault but I didn't tell her that cause that would have ended with an argument and I hate those. Now the period is over and i'm walking down to the cafeteria. I sit down at my usual table. I look around the cafeteria. I can see Jennifer and her little gang around her. They laugh at something that she just said. I look over at the entrance of the cafeteria. There Niall stands. He looks a little lost but still happy. I notice that Jennifer see that i'm looking at Niall. She smirk and walks over to him. I can see them talking about something but I can't tell what. I look down at the table. It's over. I know. I could see it on her. She have already decided that Niall can't be my friend. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd never talk to me again.

I stand up and walks out of the cafeteria. I walk right past the table that Jennifer and Niall now sit at. I'm about to walk outside when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around just to see that it's Niall. "Hey, where are you going?" he asks me and I just look at him without showing any kind of emotions. "No where." He tilts his head a little bit. I can see at the way he looks at me that he wants a better answer. "I thought you were busy talking with Jennifer." I change the subject because I don't really have a good answer. "Jennifer just welcomed me to the school. Nothing else. She seems nice." He smiles and looks at me. "You didn't answer my question." I look at the ground and takes a deep breath. "Only outside. I needed some air." He nods and looks around the hall before looking at me.

"I know we have just met but I got told that some students are throwing a party this weekend. I didn't get a hang of the reason why. I was just wondering if we could, maybe I don't know.. Go together?" I look chocked at him. I stare at him not knowing what to answer. I have never really being an party girl that drinks and dance all night long. I haven't been to a party for such a long time. I can't even remember what it is like. "So.. Do you want to go to the party with me? I'm not going to force you. Just say if you don't feel like it. I'll just go alone them." He gives me a smile but I can see the disappointment in his eyes. "No, no.. I guess we can go together. I'm you know.. Not used to parties." It feels weird to say out loud but it was necessary. "Really? I mean. That's great. I'll pick you up at seven then. See ya, love." And with that said he walks away.

After a hard school day with lots of bullying from Jennifer's side and difficult assignments, I walk home. It starts to rain a lot. The perfect end of a perfect school day! "Can this be any worse?" I ask out loud. A car drives past me and splash water all over me. "I forgot.. Never say: can this be any worse." I finally get home. "Hello? Is anybody home? Mum? dad?" No answer.  As always they ain't home. I find a piece of paper and writes a note. "Hi mum. I'm at a party with one of my friends. I'll be home in a few hours. If you want me to be home sooner, then call me. Love Soph." I lay the note on her desk and walks upstairs to my room to change for the party.

I open my closet and sigh. I have absolutely nothing nice to wear. Now that I think about it what do you wear at a party? I decide to wear a simple blue lace dress with a black belt. I put on some black converse. I lay a very simple makeup and curls my hair. I look at the mirror and smile a bit. I look a lot better than I did this morning. I look at the clock only to see that it it half past six. Half an hour to go. I put on some music, finds a book and starts reading it. I can't concentrate on my book so I put it away. I can't stop thinking about the party and Niall. I start to get nervous as the minutes pass away. I almost fall of my bed when I hear the doorbell ring. He's here. 

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