Chapter four - The party

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I grab my purse and walk downstairs. I open the door and close it after me. I look at Niall. He is wearing some dark jeans, a black t-shirt and nikes. Very casual but he pulls it off. He really looks good. "Hey Sophie, you look lovely. Ready to go? I smile at his compliment. "Thanks.. Yes, I guess so." I nod and we walk down to his car. He opens the for me. "Thank you." I sit down and he closes the door after me. Seconds later we're on our way to the party. "You never told me who throws the party." I look at him curiously. He looks at the road while answering. "It's this girl called Jennifer. The one that I talked to earlier in the cafeteria. She asked me if I wanted to come and I said yes." I flinch and stays quiet. Jennifer is the one that invited him. She is the one throwing a party. I shouldn't come. I really shouldn't.

"Anything wrong? You look a little sick. Did I say something wrong?" He looks a bit worried. I really don't want to ruin this night for him. He's new at the school and this would be a good chance to get a lot of friends. I just don't want to drag him down. "No, just a little carsick." I know I lied but it won't hurt him or anybody else. "We're there soon. Don't worry, love." I nod and look out of the window. Fifteen minutes after he stops the car in front of a large house with at least three floors. "We're here." We walk up to the house and Niall knocks on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and Jennifer gives Niall a big smile and hugs him. "Hey Niall, I knew you would come." She didn't notice me before but she does now. "You took Sophie with you." I can hear the disgust in her words. She is defiantly not happy about this. "Yes, it's okay right?" He lifts one of his eyebrows while looking at here. "Of course. Come in." Her eyes doesn't leave me for a second before turning around.

"Cool, let's go." He takes my hand and leads me inside. The music is so loud and I can almost not hear my own thoughts. I take a look around and I can't recognize many from the school. Most of them seems like they are much older than me but what do I know. Everywhere people stands a little to close while dancing and red cups are seen everywhere. The smell of alcohol fills the room and I can't take it. There isn't much light in the room that we're in. I already wants to disappear from this party. Niall's hand leaves mine and he disappears in the crowd. I look nervously around in the room. I'm not good on my own and Niall was the only thing here that made me feel a little safe. "Niall, where are you?" I shout to be heard above the music but it's impossible. I walk a bit around looking for Niall.

"Looking for someone?" I turn around to see a tall curly haired boy with lots of tattoos. "Actually, yes I am. Have you seen a blond haired boy, called Niall?" He shakes his head. "Unfortunately no. Is it Niall? Like in Niall Horan? You know him?" I nod and look a little nervous at him. I hate talking with new people. It's hard enough with Niall. "Yes, he just started at my school. We came here together but I can't find him." I sigh and looks at the curly haired boy. "Do you know him?" He smirks. "Yes, I do. You know what? I could help you find Niall." I have a bad feeling about this guy. I don't want to judge him but the look in his eyes when I mentioned Niall made me feel uncomfortable. "No, it's okay. I'll find him myself."

I turn around but he grabs my arm and turns me around. "Come on! I insists." He smiles at me but something in his eyes does the opposite. I give up and nod. "Okay, fine. Let's find him then. Where should we look?" We both look around at all the drunk teenagers in an attempt to find Niall. "I can't see him here. Maybe he's up at the bar?" Does she have her own bar in her house? The rich kid awards goes to... Jennifer Hale. Of course she has. It's Jennifer. "Yea.. Let's do that." I don't really knows where we else should look. We walks up to the bar. Curly leads the way. Something tells me that he has been here more than once this evening.. I look disappointed when Niall isn't there. "You know, I think that I'll just go home now." Why should I stay here when the only person I knew is gone? "No, don't do that. Can't you call him?" I would if I could. The truth is that I want to have his number but i'm to nervous to ask. "No, I don't have his number.." This was a mistake. I should't have come here. Why did I say, yes?

"Well, that's a shame. You should stay here so we could get to know each other." I look into his green eyes, thinking about what to do. Something about him gives me goosebumps. I just can't tell why. "Thanks for the offer but parties ain't really me. I just want to go home." I manage a fake smile and starts walking away from him. "Come on! Don't be like that. Stop being so dull and have fun." I stop walking and turn around to face him. I walk over to him and look him directly in his eyes. "I'm not dull. I can have fun! You don't know me." He laugh. Why does he laugh? "Sure babe. If you are so certain about that, then let me see." He smirks and sits down at the bar. I look around and bite my lip. It's a bad habit I have. I always bite my lip when I feel uncomfortable or nervous. "So what is it gonna be then?" He has this cheeky look in his eyes. I wan't to go but my legs won't let me. Instead I sit down beside him. He look so satisfied when I sit down. "We'd like four shots of vodka." He looks at the bartender and hands him some money.

My head says that I should stand up and leave right away but I can't. My legs won't let me. Four shots are placed in front of us. "You never told me your name." I look at him. I don't even know his name. Why don't I just go. I don't know this guy. He's a complete stranger. On the other hand then I shouldn't judge him so hard. Should I? I sigh. "My name is Sophie, and yours?" He smiles and push two of the shots over to me. I ignore it. I'm not going to drink it. "You've got a beautiful name. You know that, Sophie?" I smile a bit at the compliment. "Thanks, but I asked you about your name too." He looks around for a second before looking at me. "My name is Harry."

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