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Jeonghan looks at the clock in the class, sighing quietly. Could the day go any slower? To him, and to most of the other students, also, it feels like he's been in this class period for hours. It's actually only been about 40 minutes, with 10 left to go, sadly.

Looking at his notes in front of him, he begins to think about his life, and how things had started to take an unexpected turn. It's like everything that he once had is now everything he can't even comprehend having in the first place. That's quite a shocking realization for anyone.

It's not like Jeonghan doesn't have other friends to talk to, or hang out with. He has plenty of friends, and can talk to people easily enough. He has Hansol, and Jihoon, Chan, Wonwoo, Seungkwan - point is, he has plenty of other people to spend time with. That's not the problem, not even in the slightest.

It's just. With Jisoo, everything is different. Jeonghan honestly feels like he can't be himself without Jisoo. Which Jeonghan knows isn't right, he can be fine without Jisoo (or so Jeonghan likes to think, anyway). He can live a perfectly good, healthier life with his family, and his other friends. Yes, that is what Jeonghan will do. He'll continue on like nothing happened.

Of course, things never work out that easily. You can't just push away feelings that are always there, squash them down into nothingness to not be looked back on. It doesn't happen that way. It's like a slow burning, something that latches itself onto a person without them realizing until it's too late. Jeonghan has always thought that with love came consequences, no matter how hard you try to make the love last.

Looking back on it now, Jeonghan notices little signs here and there that make him wonder why he didn't notice it before. The way that Jisoo was becoming distant, how he would never make the first move to talk to Jeonghan anymore. How Jisoo would limit the time spent showing skinship towards Jeonghan, despite never having a problem with it before. Jisoo suddenly seemed to be more open with other people, even people that he barely knew, rather than with his best friend.

A lot of things then added up. The sinking feeling that Jeonghan was feeling wasn't something he was used to, so he decided to push the feeling away. Probably not the best way to handle things, he knows this. It just make it easier to deal with.

Jeonghan had never tried to talk to Jisoo about the situation. He meant to, he really did, but whenever he saw the younger, Jeonghan felt like his throat was constricting. Every word that he was going to say vanished from his mind. So he merely dealt with it, hoping that things would somehow figure themselves out.

The bell then went off, shaking Jeonghan back into reality. Shaking his head, he put his stuff away, standing up and walking out of the Science corridor.


Seeing his friends was something that Jeonghan was looking forward to. The day was dragging, and he really needed something to take his mind off of everything. So when lunch came, Jeonghan sat down next to Jihoon, looking around at his other friends at the table and smiling at them all when they greeted him. All of his friends had really different personalities, as expected, so this made their friendships... interesting, to say the least. There was a good dynamic between the more loud, energetic personalities and the more subdue, relaxed personalities. They balanced each other out perfectly.

Conversation quickly started between the eight at the table. They talked about anything and everything, each trying equally as much to get Jeonghan's mind off of his thoughts from earlier. Without even having to say anything, they instantly knew what was making Jeonghan act as he was. The other guys were equally as good of friends with Jisoo as they were Jeonghan, which made the situation kind of tricky. They wanted their friends to be happy, and to work things out with each other.

Lunch came to an end, so the eight parted with each other and wandered off to their last classes of the day. Jeonghan brings his books close to him, walking through the halls that are now slowly starting to dwindle out of people. Suddenly he hears laughter down towards the lockers, so he looks around to see a tall, thin, dark brown haired boy that he'd recognize anywhere. Jisoo. This time though, there's a girl with him. Jeonghan can't deny, the girl is beautiful; with dyed light blonde hair, and wide hazelnut eyes that sparkle with her smile, Jeonghan can see why Jisoo would like her.

Jisoo unexpectedly looks up right at that moment, a small smile still on his face, his eyes burning with stars. Jeonghan gapes, trying to look away quickly, but doesn't manage to completely get away from being noticed. Their eyes meet, an indescribable feeling being locked for both of them to feel, to see. And just like that, it's gone. Jisoo looks down suddenly, bringing his attention back to the girl beside him. Jeonghan makes a short mental note that he thinks the girls name is Wendy.

Jeonghan rushes through the hallway, determined to make it to his next class without running into the other two again.

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