Moving Forward

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Their friendship started to turn, the broken fallen pieces coming back together time after time. The riff between them broke, the tension shattered, and then all that was left was the want to be together, the want to be apart of each other's lives in the best, most comforting way possible.

Both of the boys had decided that this want, no, this need, was more important than anything else that they could've been thrown at at the moment in time.

But telling and acting were very different things, Jeonghan realized.

Rewind a week or so back to when the movie theater event happened. Following that chapter, the two boys left the lobby, hand in hand, feeling giddy and high on love, like, or whatever emotion is was that they didn't see the need to classify.

They sank into the theater seats, Jeonghan accidently pressing his shoe clad feet onto Jisoo's, leaving a mumbling, blushing Jeonghan in the wake. In actuality, Jeonghan knew that this wasn't something to be embarrassed about, it really was an accident - and it wasn't like they hadn't been even closer in proximity before.

When Jeonghan went to apologize, Jisoo just shook his head, a slight grin on his face. They turned their attention to the movie that was playing, a comedy that Seungkwan had talked about a lot lately. Something cliche and abnormal, which, honestly, didn't surprise either of them in the slightest, having known Seungkwan.

The type of the movie didn't matter though. Their friends around them, with their chaotic babbling and shushed silences, sank into the background. All that Jeonghan knew was that him and Jisoo were holding hands, that they were actually making a break through in the situation that they were in.

All that Jeonghan knew was that he never wanted this feeling to go away. Simply being with Jisoo was enough to make Jeonghan completely lax, all of his worries washing away with just one simple look from the other.

With these thoughts running through his mind, Jeonghan sighed softly, squeezing Jisoo's hand and feeling the younger hold back just as tight.

They smiled at each other briefly, enough to let them both know that the other was there.

And if that wasn't the most reassuring thing, then Jeonghan didn't know what was.


Fast forward a couple of weeks. Jeonghan was sitting in his room, homework and studying clouding his brain, when his phone chimed, the notification popping up that he had just recieved a new text.

Closing his History textbook, Jeonghan rose from his desk, fixing his slightly messy bedhead that he was still sporting from that afternoon. Picking up his phone and unlocking it, Jeonghan looked through his new notification, seeing a text from Jisoo.

To: Jeonghan

From: Jisoo

Want to hang out? Maybe come over to mine?

(5:45 PM)

Jeonghan found himself smiling down at his phone like an idiot, reading the words over and over again. Noticing that he was becoming one of those love sick people that couldn't even contain themselves over a simple text, Jeonghan shook his head, typing the 'reply' button.

To: Jisoo

From: Jeonghan

Yeah, sure! I'll be there in 10.

(5:47 PM)

And this is the part where Jeonghan realized that he really wasn't prepared for seeing Jisoo at that moment. His hair wasn't fully brushed, his clothes weren't exactly presentable, he probably looked tired as hell despite taking an hour nap a little bit ago - a 'ping' noise stopped him in his worried thoughts.

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